G7 allocates US $ 22 million to send hydrant aircraft to the Amazon


The G7 has decided to release an emergency aid from 20 million euros ($ 22 million) in the Amazon, mainly intended to send fire bombers that fight fires.

As stated French President Emmanuel Macron and his Chilean counterpart Sebastián Piñera, in addition to sending an air fleet, the G7 decided on a plan to help in the medium term for reforestation to be presented to the United Nations General Assembly at the end of September. The Brazilian agreement and work with NGOs and local people will be necessary to this plan.

The French president and his Chilean couple have announced the plan to help the Amazon. Source: (François Mori / various sources / AFP)
The French president and his Chilean couple have announced the plan to help the Amazon. Source: (François Mori / various sources / AFP)

This "initiative for the Amazon" was announced at the end of a session of the G7 summit devoted to the environment, during which the situation of the Amazon rainforest was discussed .

Emmanuel Macron made the situation in the Amazon one of the priorities of the meeting, calling Saturday for the "mobilization of all powers" to fight against fire and reforestation.

"We have to respond very concretely to the call of the jungle that is burning today in the Amazon," he added after questioning Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

According to the latest figures, 79,513 fires have been detected in Brazil since the beginning of the year, including just over half in the Amazon. Pressed by the international community, Brazil finally took action Sunday by sending two C-130 Hercules aircraft into the burning zone.


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