Gala dinner with campaign messages


A security operation was deployed for the reception, with street reductions including the transformation of Metrobus from Leandro Alem Avenue into a parking lot for guests. Inside the room itself, it was badured that Spanish security officers, as well as Argentines, would be deployed without pretension, without being seen by the guests.

There was a foretaste in which they were waiting for the kings on the ground floor of the CCK, where actors, actresses, businessmen and all the special guests that the government had invited to attend the Event, including Mirtha Legrand. Meanwhile, Macri, Juliana Awada and the kings stayed in a separate room of the CCK, from where they left only when all the guests were seated at the places that corresponded to them.


The Metrobus Alem Avenue has become a parking lot for the gala dinner.

The Metrobus Alem Avenue has become a parking lot for the gala dinner.

While waiting, the center of the conversation in all the tables had not been the meeting of the kings with Macri nor the support of Spain to the Argentine direction, but mainly in the tables they worked on the disadvantages that had had the real plane of aeroparque. and the consequences that he had during the day and comments on the various comments on "the stairs" in the Spanish newspapers.

"I think that in a few months, the Argentines will dispel all doubts that exist today in the world around our electoral process.We will confirm that we have taken a determined course and that we are convinced that we let's do it and we will not come back, "said Macri at the opening of the dinner, surprised by the electoral hint at this place.

However, in turn, King Felipe mentioned that Latin American partners and all friends in the region would not return to dark times and populism, a phrase that had been read as a reference to the electoral alternatives presented.

The kings shared the table with the presidential couple, as well as with Chancellor Faurie and among others Marcos Peña and his wife.

At the adjoining tables, the officials were arranged. The dishes began with a Patagonian spider entry with potato chips, followed by a trout from the lake, from a soufflé to sweet milk dessert and coffee to petit fours.

Chancellor Jorge Faurie, who was also organizing the gala dinner in one way or another, tried not to talk about the issue, let alone the resignation of the protocol officer who l? had yesterday but that the government did not agree, although it is known that It was not the direct responsibility of the Chancery of what had happened at the airport with the famous staircase that was missing to go down to the kings, but also from the other episode known yesterday, that the real plane was pink in the cabin. tango 04 which integrates the presidential fleet.


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