Galuccio: If Cristina is vice, she will accelerate Vaca Muerta


It was developed at the headquarters of Vista in Neuquén and its main badet in Vaca Muerta, Lowering of Palo Oeste, in which the company has already put into production eight unconventional wells whose production levels positioned it as the second largest producer of shale oil at Vaca Muerta.

Asked about the energy potential of the region, Vista's president and CEO said, "Bajada del Palo is a block with extraordinary potential. The reality is that we can drill 400 wells in the area, but we only need 150 wells to achieve fantastic growth. This gives an idea of ​​its richness. "

In this context, he argued that "If Cristina Kirchner is elected vice president, with Vaca Muerta, she will do what is necessary to continue what we have done and will accelerate it".

"If Macri is elected, I think he will do the same. It is very difficult for the Argentineans to agree on something, but in the last six years, representatives, society, unions and companies, we agree that Vaca Muerta represents a huge opportunity for the country. "he noticed.

Galuccio defined Vaca Muerta as "The greatest opportunity of Argentina". "What is at stake is huge. This can dramatically change the country's economy and change people's lives. If we achieve complete development, I'm sure we can double the revenues generated by other industries, such as agriculture, "he said.

According to him, it is "fundamental" that the country can start exporting light fuel oil and suggests "to free the market and change our state of mind because we have more than we need. We need to stimulate the system and the market to position Vaca Muerta on the external market. "

"If the independent companies of the United States come to Argentina, I am certain that they will contribute a lot, because we need this type of business, we need more investment"He concluded.

Galuccio was president of the YPF for four years: from May 2012 to April 2016. After President Macri's presumption, he speculated on his continuity, but they finally agreed to leave the state oil company. .


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