Gamer Killed His Newborn Baby: “He Didn’t Let Me Play PlayStation” | the Chronicle


23 year old Australian “addicted to video games and drugs” killed her seven week old baby, after shaking him violently because he was not allowed to play because of his crying.

The defendant in the case is called Joseph McDonald and this Friday he faced Victoria Supreme Court to attend a pre-sentencing hearing, after pleading guilty to the murder of his named son Lucas mcdonald, killed on November 2, 2019.

Lucas McDonald, the baby killed by his father.

The court considers that McDonald I use a “blunt trauma” to kill your baby. According to the prosecutor in charge of the case, Mark Gibson, McDonald he was alone with the baby in the living room of his house when the mother of the child, Samantha duckmanton, heard a “high-pitched scream”, Yes McDonald told her he was swaddling the baby.

Gibson detailed that Lucas’s father killed him “either by hitting him directly on the head or by making him strike the head with another object”. After that McDonald He continued to play on his PlayStation, fell asleep, and later his baby’s condition deteriorated after the blow to his head.

His lawyer, Colin Mandy, assured that his client was suffering from anger issues and that the fact was “spontaneous act” of these violent characteristics. From what the prosecution has discovered, McDonald he was addicted to internet video games and various drugs.

Prior to the murder, the man had sought help controlling his anger problem while playing video games.

The statements of the mother of the murdered baby

“It was right next door, if I had let her do the dishes (her husband) and took care of Bubby (Lucas McDonald) I would be alive today. This is what he is going to eat me all my life, that I could not protect him because I trust in Joseph “, to complain Duckmanton.

The mother of the murdered baby said that “Lucas was innocent and couldn’t defend himself” and claimed that what her husband had done was “an act of cowardice”, since he was his father and he was supposed to “protect”. “To this day, I don’t think he will know what was in his head at the time., Outfit.

Lucas McDonald’s mom.

Duckmanton ultimately led to Lucas at the hospital where tests revealed he had a brain hemorrhage and further studies later revealed he was brain dead.

The day after her death, hospital staff met with the baby’s parents and informed them that they suspected the injuries had not happened accidentally.

After notification of doctors McDonald fled the hospital and hid in a horse shed on a meadow in Notting Hill, south-east of Melbourne. Eventually, the man surrendered to the police.

“He left, so Bubby came out of organ donation and they gave it to me for the first time, and Joseph wasn’t there. So I had to rock our deceased son one last time, and Joseph s ‘was on the run at the time. “, he claimed Duckmanton.

“His compulsive gambling was an additional trigger for irritability, both in his behavior and when he was frustrated with losing a game., they assured the court.


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