"Garbage", "despicable", "chanta": terrible cross between a journalist and a social leader of Florencia K


"Trash", "despicable" and "sang" are epithets that exploded on television at a time when social leader, A journalist and one panelist debate about the health of Florence Kirchner. Does the former president and the current senator, Cristina Kirchner, I've traveled to Cuba to accompany her daughter to medical treatment, for which she aired a video in which she spoke about the health status of the 29-year-old girl with lymphatic obstruction, also known as lymphedema.

I want to share with you what happens to us, wrote CFK on their social networks and I accompanied him with a video where, with a soft tone and almost moved, he explained the reasons for his departure from the country. We presented a medical certificate on Florence's state of health in court, explained the exmandataria, who explains that her daughter, aged 29, presents with serious health problems resulting from the fierce persecution to which she was subjected.

It's more, in the video and almost at the end of his story, the president said: I was twice president of this country, I chose political militancy for training and condemnation. On the other hand, Florence, my daughter chose feminist art and activism. The persecution they suffered for her is due to the fact that she is the daughter of Nstor and Cristina Kirchner.

In this situation, Intratables invited the owner of the TRP, Juan Grabois, to refer to the senator's news, but end up coping, with hard affirmations and strong qualifiers, the reporter Ceferino Reato and the panelist of the program, Claudio Savoia. A moment that generated not only a strong tension, but an uneasiness among all present.

"I feel the same as when I heard the laughs when the video was shot, some common sense of cruelty settled in, facing the suffering of a young, if that's 39, was the daughter of President Macri, it would be the same, "said Grabois. exmandataria and added: "We are talking about how is the video". And I pointed to the panelist, whom I described as "despicable and trashy" for his arguments about the causes that weigh against Florencia Kirchner.

But that was not all, so say, "I heard a lady say [Cristina Kirchner] He went in a wheelchair to stage for Nisman. There is a negationism like Reato's, which is a denier, "so I consult the MP for Change, Daniel Lipovetzky, and support:" Explain that there are 30,000.

"Juan, who do you think you are, do you think that because you are Francisco's friend, you can say and insult who you want, who are you, Francisco's apostle?" we all know each other, "Reato replied, adding," You are a singer who will have to be a friend of Francisco Vens ac to speak, but when you know who you are, you are a child. .. you do not even know what's the denial. "

The social referent did not stay happy and came back to the attack: "You are a denialist, and like any denier, you are a junk.You are a mercenary and you are a scribe of the world. army, you are the ms
despicable of all that they are ac. "Faced with this situation, Guillermo Andino intervened to try to lighten the nimes.

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