García Belsunce: There is no DNA of the seven accused at the scene of the crime


His genetic model was compared to DNA traces found on the crime scene Source: File

While this is being done right now
rebuilding the homicide of

Maria Marta García Belsunce
which took place in October 2002 in Carmel country, in Pilar,
they knew the results of genetic studies that compared the DNA of the seven accused with crime scene samples: they were all tested negative

THE NACION judicial sources. Last May, they drew blood for a comparative badysis of DNA at
Nicolás Pachelo, tried in custody for a series of robberies
in the country Turtles; to his ex-wife, Inés Dávalos Cornejo, and to the ex-vigilante José Ramón Alejandro Ortiz, Ramón Alfredo Acosta, Víctor Hugo Contreras, Eduardo Walter Vera and Norberto Glennon. An attempt is made to reveal if any of them is the blood found on the crime scene.

The pattern of each of the males was compared with the new male DNA that could be identified in recent weeks through the use of techniques they did not exist 16 years ago, and with two other profiles that were already incorporated in the cause, they were determined. That of Dávalos Cornejo was compared to female DNA different from that of the victim found in a track already decoded in 2002.

"Everything gave a negative result," said the sources consulted.

The complex labyrinth of the Belsunce affair

The novelty was known today, a few minutes before it starts
the reconstitution of the earlier moments of the homicide and the way in which the body of the victim was found at his home on Sunday, October 27, 2002.

The decision to make, for the first time in nearly 16 years, a Reconstruction of the facts was taken by the prosecutors of Pilar María Inés Domínguez and Andrés Quintana, who badumed the direction of the investigation of the case early last year, with Nicolás Pachelo, his ex-wife and five vigilantes as suspects of having participated in the crime

"The intention of prosecutors is to badyze the badumptions that exist in the case and determine the probability of each", did they explain to
LA NACION judicial sources

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