García Linera: “We are in the second progressive wave …


The former vice-president of Bolivia, Alvaro Garcia Linera, spoke about the current situation of progressivism in Latin America and spoke about the current situation in the country. Linera talks about the house she left and was finally able to return last November. “The feeling of opening the door, the sound of the house after a year, was moving,” García Linera said in dialogue with the program Slate of the AM750.

For García Linera, the triumph of Luis Arce with more than 55% of the votes confirms that the conquests and progress of progressivism are done in waves. “It’s a palpable check against those who said the cycle of progressivism was over. It’s not a cycle. These are waves that come and go and this is the second wave “, he claimed. “If the first wave was framed in a more radical progressivism and with strong charismatic leaders, the second will be marked by moderate progressivism and without the presence of charismatic leaders“.

As a counter-position to moderate progressivism, the former vice-president spoke of the downfall of the center-right which gave in and strengthened a new far-right. “We saw it in Brazil, we thought it was an isolated phenomenon but it’s global, we saw it with Asset and we will continue to see it in Europe. The center-right who bet not to be radical and criticize the populists of the left but also to distance himself from the violent right is The center-right begins to strengthen with a very clear discourse: if democracy is an obstacle, then democracy is, ”explained Linera.

“They have an instrumental view of democracy, if thanks to democracy they do well in government and if they can access government without democracy, they will and they have shown it, even the United States has shown it. “ The former vice president answered the question about the possibility of another coup in Bolivia. “That’s why every time I meet young people, I ask them, ‘What would you do if there was a coup again?, is an organizing question, tand it obliges the organization, the political formation and to seek means of articulation. It is important that the new progressive wave thinks about it to get out of the simple electoral grouping “ Underlined Álvaro García Linera.


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