Garrahan pediatrician accused of child pornography meets prison with free Internet


At the beginning of the month, the court awarded Ricardo Russo, the house arrest allowance, Garrahan Hospital who will go to trial accused of distributing and marketing child badgraphy. He complies with the measure at his home in Núñez, where he can not leave, although You have no restrictions for surfing the internet.

One of the tests against the doctor is only 135 videos containing child badgraphy, which were on his computer and were uploaded via the website. distribution platform eMule files.

The former head of the Garrahan Rheumatology and Immunology Department for more than a decade was arrested at the Ezeiza federal prison. Earlier this month, Chamber III of the Criminal and Convention Appeals Chamber granted him the right to be placed under house arrest, pending the start of the trial for the distribution and commercialization of child badgraphy.

Although you can not leave your home, you have no restrictions on surfing the internet. Then you can, for example, access your emails and even Download any type of file. His lawyer, Ricardo Izquierdo, stated that there was no "legal impediment" to the use of computers and described as "crazy" the communication restrictions imposed on him. during his detention.

From the office of the prosecutor specializing in computer crimes of the city, headed by Daniela Dupuy, They explained that they had asked for "a restriction", but that Chamber III of the Buenos Aires Appeals Chamber – which ordered the prison of Russo's house – rejected this badertion.

Now, the pediatrician, while filling this measurement at his home in Núñez, does not answer the telephone line or the doorman, and does not open the door to anyone. He spends his days reading, cooking and resting because, according to his lawyer, "he must be calm to face the trial," he says. Profile. The process will start on October 28th and end on November 4th.

The case

Russo was arrested on May 28 while leaving Garrahan, accused of "possession, distribution and production of child badgraphy" of the cause known as "Childhood Light III", initiated in the United States, where an international network of pedophilia is studied in the deep Web with ramifications in Brazil and Argentina.

One of the raids took place at the accused's home, where he found 135 videos on their computer containing explicit child badgraphy material which, according to the main badumption, would be shared through a network of dark web surfers. He spent 99 days in prison at Ezeiza Prison and, at the beginning of the month, the court granted him house arrest, establishing "a reduction in the length of pretrial detention".


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