Garrahan's best pediatrician friend says he's worried that the defendant will commit suicide


The best friend of the pediatrician Ricardo Russo, accused of possession, production and facilitation of child badgraphy, gave an interview in which he affirmed feeling "morally obliged" to speak in favor of the prisoner.

According to him, he has known Russo for 30 years. This is Dr. Alejandro Pipino, 58, pediatrician and ophthalmologist who works in Tapiales and Escobar.

In a note with Clarin, said that he had been "beaten a week ago". "I'm rooted, I need some information from Ricardo, I consider it a moral obligation, no one in my environment wants me to speak, there is fear, I have it too, but I do not can not stop me from thinking about my friend doing anything, commit suicide, this is my obsession, I want my message to come in one way or another and He is strong, he is standing, "he said.

At the preliminary hearing at trial, Pipino was with Russo. "I went there, I gave him a kiss, a hug and I said: 'Relax, we're with you.'" He watched me, he did not say anything, "it was wrong, dismayed," he says.

During this hearing, he also told his psychiatrist "who played his reputation and claimed that Ricardo was not at all a pervert, but was suffering from head burn syndrome (burnout), because he is a person overly concerned about his work in Garrahan ".

"He's the best pediatrician within his reach and one of the most important of today, an eminence really, and I've never met a professional so demanding and demanding, he was always screwed to the lab, he did not allow me to miss a diagnosis, to limit situations and to let life save the lives of many children.Therefore I need to know how Ricardo worked, with what seriousness and what pbadion, a type hypercompromised with his patients, "he added. Clarin.

The doctor recounted the details of a conversation he had had with the deputy head of the Garrahan Pediatrics Department. "She told me that it was impossible for Ricardo to be alone with a patient in the office, that movement in this area was impossible to imagine, and that the photos found on his phone were all for work, including that of the twins who appear naked next to their mother, one of the girls had a strange illness and the other no, so he had to study and compare the pathologies, in fact, Ricardo procured him the drug which costs like two thousand dollars, it is the Ricardo for which I come to show my face and to turn the one who comes ", he declared.

"He is guilty of something, material possession, child badgraphy, he is a pediatrician, he takes care of children, he is a jerk but he did not measure, he did not understand that this material could compromise, I know him, I'm a serial interviewer, I have 400 patients a month, if I know anything, it's to look like a person and Ricardo, I've never caught him in something very suspicious, "added Pipino.

"I will be the most severe with him, if he is guilty, pay what he has to pay, but do not kill him right away, stop the lynching of the media, let justice calmly investigate," did he declare.


Last November, the municipal police's cybercrime division raided the pediatrician's home and confiscated computers and mobile phones.

After this episode, Pipino said he received a call from Russo in which he had told her: "You do not know what has happened, they are accusing me of something that nothing to do, j & # 39; He would have preferred to be murdered, "he said symbolically.

"That night, I called him at his home and he recognized me in one of the computers they took away with compromising documents," he said. . Regarding the details of the type of compromising content that was referenced, he added: "He did not explain it to me clearly, but he told me that he was acting of a video, but that he has never broadcast, exchanged or facilitated it. "

"He's guilty of possessing inappropriate material, it's a shit because he's a recognized pediatrician, but no disclosure or production." No, Ricardo could have produced no pedophile video, "said the best friend. from the pediatrician.

After the situation last November, Pipino said that Russo had fallen into a slump, into a depression and had started psychiatric therapy that was still going on. "He spent a shit end of the year, but little by little he got up and he was much better, I guess because he did not receive any notification and that He had the permission of his lawyer and continued his life working in the hospital, convinced of his truth, "he added.


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