Gas and health, two issues to pursue in the negotiations | Mac …


President Mauricio Macri received his Bolivian counterpart, Evo Morales, during an official visit during which they mainly discussed the natural gas purchase contract of Bolivia, for which the neighboring country has imposed certain conditions. They also talked about the purchase of Argentine technology by Bolivia. Morales pointed out that before his arrival, the technology was not bought among the Latin American countries. Macri, meanwhile, praised the Bolivian community in Argentina, despite all the measures taken against migrants by his government over the past three years. With this in mind, Macri entered into a reciprocal agreement with Morales in health care.

The leaders went together to see the plane Pampa, at the airport of El Palomar, as part of the joint working proposal with the Bolivian Air Force. but the main course was to talk about gas. After the meeting, they made a brief joint statement to the press in the clean room of Casa Rosada. "We came with President Morales from El Palomar Airport, where we were talking about the Pampa gas contract and plane," said Macri, who, as a "chief executive officer", said that "we are talking about". host, thanked the visit and congratulated the Bolivian community: she is "hardworking, enterprising and Respectful in coexistence". "As you have said, we are two neighboring countries, with the same colonial history, we will be neighbors for life and we have the obligation, as presidents and as governments, to work for the Many of our peoples, I take advantage of the media to thank the Argentine people, the government, for providing my brothers from Bolivia with facilities, "said Morales.

The Bolivian president spoke about technological cooperation between Latin American countries, such as Argentina and Bolivia, instead of using European technology. "With Brother President, we have agreed, for example, to build three nuclear medicine hospitals, all equipped with Argentine technology, and we have the obligation to seek these technological transfers in South America, Latin America" Morales said.

Morales highlighted a trade agreement: "We agreed to support the free zone granted to Bolivia in Rosario, in order to give it more opportunities and to strengthen Bolivian trade through the waterway and to communicate with Bolivia. # 39; Atlantic. "

This is a vital point for Bolivia because it guarantees a maritime outlet, a historical difference between this country and Chile.

He then referred to the issue of gas, the main theme of the Macri meeting: "On the issue of energy, Bolivia, through the ENDE, is already allowed to exploit the Argentine electricity system and, once the installation of the power line is complete, start sharing the little we have on the energy issue, "Morales said. "Similarly, the team will be able to sell natural gas directly in Argentina through private companies in Argentina, negotiations are progressing very well and we will participate in the investment in the LNG facilities. to export, from the Argentine territory, other work being developed by our technical teams, "said the Bolivian president.

A statement from the Argentine Foreign Ministry said the sale of gas would take place "under certain conditions: the encouragement of possible Bolivian investments in the Argentine oil fields; the development of projects for Yacimientos Petrolíferos Bolivianos (YPFB) in order to to participate in the supply of future liquefaction plants for the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Argentine territory, the promotion of energy exchanges between gas and electricity and the future supply of fuel oil and / or fuels from Argentina to Bolivia, as well as scientific and technological cooperation in the field of biofuels ". According to the same statement, they also advanced in the electrical link between Argentina and Bolivia "of the interconnection of the cities of Yaguacua (Bolivia) and Tartagal (Argentina), a work financed and under construction by the National Electricity Company (ENDE) of Bolivia ".

Meanwhile, after the controversy over the use of the health system, where the governor of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, has advanced to impeach the Bolivian citizens, Macri and Morales have talked about the issue of reciprocity in the free emergency care. According to the statement of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "President Macri has badessed the entry into force of the new law on the unified health system in Bolivia and the advances in the coverage of medical emergencies of Argentine citizens on its territory. , in a blanket traditionally received in the same cases by Bolivian citizens living on Argentine territory ". They indicated that they would continue to negotiate the final reciprocal health agreement.


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