Gay Priests and Plots Against Pope Francis: The Controversial Book on the Vatican – 02/12/2019


A controversial book promises to make noise in the heart of Catholicism: Vatican. "Sodoma" by French journalist and writer Frédéric Martel says 80% of priests working in the Holy See the gays, although not necessarily active.

The publication, 570 pages, does not highlight the badual orientation of the religious, but seeks to demonstrate "hypocrisy " in the Vatican, where many of his referents condemn homobaduality.

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During his more than four-year investigation, Martel conducted 1,500 interviews, including 41 cardinals, 52 bishops and Monseignors, 45 papal ambbadadors or diplomats, 11 Swiss guards and more than 200 priests and seminarians.

The author discovered that while some denied their baduality, other gay priests accepted and maintained discreet relationships.

"Sodoma" will be available in 20 countries.

Among the specific cases, Martel points against the Colombian cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, which he accuses of having hired male badual services while conducting a strong "anti-gay" campaign in positions of responsibility in the church.

In 2005, after the approval of equal marriage in Spain, Lopez Trujillo urged municipal employees in Spain not to register or celebrate this type of union, even at the risk of losing their jobs.

In this context, "Sodom" describes a tacit general rule in which the most homophobic It's a cleric, more likely to be gay.

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The book "also reveals secrets" about celibacy, misogyny and alleged conspiracy against Pope Francis, that the conservative sectors of the Holy See are questioning because of their more moderate stance on homobaduality.

"If a person is homobadual, seeks God and has good will, who should I judge?" Said the Holy Father after being consulted by the "gay lobby" a few months after his papal election.

"Sodom" will be published in eight languages ​​in 20 countries next Wednesday, on the occasion of the launch of a Vatican conference on badual abuse, to which were summoned bishops from around the world.



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