General dissatisfaction with the prices of "ViveRo" | DailyShow


Cris Morena is a great artist and producer that thousands of families, children and teenagers remember their clbadics such as "Chiquititas", "Floricienta" or "Rebelde Way ", among of other successful product. Gustavo Yankelevich did not deploy his talents in new projects and that was all because he was preparing a big surprise in silence.

For a few months, Cris began launching tracks Instagram of what was to happen in the future, the product of a great work of cultivated month: the tribute to his daughter who died in 2010, Romina Yan . will be offered at Teatro Gran Rex on September 5, 9 and 18 in honor of Romina will have luxury artists: Gerónimo Rauch, Lali Esposito, Axel, Diego Topa, Abel Pintos, Luisana Lopilato, Peter Lanzani, Nicolás Vázquez and Patricia Sosa among others.

The producer clarified that all that is collected on the day of the performance is for the exclusive benefit of the "Fundación Sí" and explained that it is a show to remember Yan with his themes and others for innovation.

The conflict erupts when fans of Crees and his daughter Romina fetch tickets. They were sold in minutes and ranged between $ 500 and $ 3,000, prices inaccessible to some people. This caused anger and general dissatisfaction for what Cris Morena replied: "In half an hour the tickets have been sold and I know that many are angry or disappointed.The theater is not the biggest place, I know we could have done it in a gigantic place, in a stadium, but that's the theater of Romina and the Why are expensive? It's because all the recipes go only to the Si Foundation, so that Manu can make a residence in the Chaco. "

However, far from wanting to shake the waters further, the producer explains:" For those who can not go to the Gran Rex, there will be a giant screen of Vatican Square – next to the Colon Theater – where the show will be shown.At the same time, everyone will follow and Telefé just confirmed that we are going to go live the same day. "


However, as this usually happens with popular shows, there was resale of tickets. "Before this episode, Cris was very indignant: " The scrupulous went out to resell tickets, but it's a solidarity event, it's not a bargain, you can play with these things, heaven and hell are here on earth and these people have to live hell because they are playing with the love and anxiety of the people. "

Look! 19659011]

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