Generalized failure throughout the country due to a failure of the electrical interconnection system


A generalized blackout surprised the country at 07:07 this Sunday. According to he specified The voice The spokesman of the provincial energy company of Córdoba (Epec), Alfredo Camponovo, is dealing with a failure of a line operated by Transener. The problem is therefore at the national level. Network users also reported power outages in Chile, Brazil and Uruguay.

"This is a failure of the 500 KV line managed by Transener, and work is underway to restore service, but there is no indication of the duration of the shutdown," said Camponovo.

"There is also no detail on where the failure was.From Transener, they work to determine what happened," he added.

On Twitter, Edesur said the reduction was due to a mbadive failure of the electrical interconnection system. The energy distribution company has confirmed that the cut reaches all over the country, including Uruguay.

At 8am on Sunday, Edenor tweeted: "Due to a general failure of the interconnection system, Argentina and the neighboring countries are without electricity, we will continue to report as soon as possible."

readers The voice they reported cuts in different cities of Córdoba and other provinces, realizing that the restriction of electricity service was present throughout the country.


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