“Genocide!” : passengers reprimand Bolsonaro on top of a plane – Telam


Bolsonaro arrived in the capital of the state of Espírito Santo and visited the airport.

Bolsonaro arrived in the capital of the state of Esprito Santo and visited the airport.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was reprimanded by a group of plane passengers who shouted “genocidal” when the president went up to greet them amid a visit to Vitoria airport in the south. is of the country.

“Genocide!” and “Go out with Bolsonaro!” were some of the phrases spoken by people on the plane when the president entered, in an episode that went viral on social media.

The far-right president arrived today in the capital of the State of Esprito Santo and visited the airport, where he was received by a large number of followers, according to other images uploaded in this case to his Twitter account.

However, the reaction he encountered was totally different. Atop the plane he entered, he greeted the passengers and quickly descended with numerous screams that demanded his dismissal.

Other reject samples

At the beginning of June and while giving a speech on the national network, Bolsonaro received the biggest cacerolazo against his administration, criticized among other things for his management of the pandemic.

Brazil has a low percentage of people fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (around 11% of the population) and a high rate of transmission of the virus, with the average number of new cases of the disease exceeding 50,000 per day.

Demands against the president were also felt in the streets, with a massive demonstration in different cities on May 29 to redouble criticism of the management of the pandemic, to demand an increase in financial aid and to demand his resignation.

“Out with Bolsonaro”, “Bolsonaro genocidal” and “Vaccines now” were some of the slogans they will hear again before the next one. demonstration called by social movements for Saturday, June 19.


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