Genuine ‘Breaking Bad’: ‘Clandestine Laboratory’ Found in Miami Residential Building | They found chemicals to make synthetic drugs.


Three stories of a luxury apartment building in the town of Bal Harbor, near Miami (Florida), were evacuated when signs of a “clandestine laboratory“, with characteristics similar to the series”breaking Bad“.

The alarm went off in the 22-story Majestic Towers condo when a property manager went to check on a rental apartment on the 15th floor on Monday whose last tenant had recently been evicted.

In the unit he found various chemical products and other materials such as those used to make synthetic drugs.

Consequence of a discovery worthy of the famous television series “breaking Bad“Residents of the 14th, 14th and 16th floors of the building were evacuated and could not enter until the apartment was ‘clean’.

Miami drug trafficking

Marie Miller, one of the evacuees, told NBC 6 that the police called them to ask them to leave their apartments and they did so without knowing exactly “what was going on.” “It was quite surprising,” he said.

According to Álvaro Zabaleta of the Miami-Dade Police Department, what was in the empty apartment was “in accordance with a clandestine laboratory“.

Alfred Brandon, another resident of Majestic Towers, told local CBS there had been an “extraordinary response” from police, firefighters and agencies specializing in handling hazardous materials.

Methamphetamine lab

“I never thought there could be methamphetamine labs over here, ”Brandon said.

Specialists in DEA (anti-drug agency) They also joined inspecting materials stored in the empty department, according to CBS.

“Someone was doing bad things in a great place,” said Tony King, who recently moved to Bal Harbor, a small seaside town with shopping malls and upscale buildings and yacht marinas.

“Who would have thought of our sleeping 33154,” said another neighbor, Joseph Waks, referring to the Bal Harbor zip code.


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