George Shultz, US Secretary of State, has passed away …


George Shultz, secretary of state to former President Ronald Reagan and a great architect of American diplomacy to end the Cold War, died on Saturday at the age of 100. The Hoover Institute, who published the news this Sunday, described him as “one of the most important politicians of all time” and he pointed out that during his years of intense political activity, he worked for three different presidents in four high government positions.

Shultz played a key role alongside President Ronald Reagan in changing the course of history use all the tools of diplomacy to end the cold war, ”added this institution linked to Stanford University, of which the former secretary had been a member for more than 30 years.

George Shultz was born in New York on December 13, 1920. He received a bachelor’s degree in art and a doctorate in philosophy from Princeton University, where he also received his degree in economics in 1942. During World War II, he served in the Marines. and later, he will pursue a career as a university professor.

Under Richard Nixon, Shultz served as Secretary of Labor (1969-70), Director of the White House Budget Office (1970-72), and Secretary of the Treasury (1972-74). Later, with Reagan as head of the White House, he served as Secretary of State between 1982 and 1989.

This last direction stood out for the search for a dialogue with the Soviet Union, which transformed it into one of those responsible for the thaw and the consequent end of the Cold War and the attempt to achieve a stable peace in the Middle East. He also went through the crisis with Panama which ended with the invasion of the Central American country by the US military in December 1989.


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