Georgia alert for the first appearance of a snake-headed fish


The United States Department of Natural Resources in Georgia has alerted the public to the appearance of a snake head fish in Gwinnett County. It is an invasive species capable of endangering the local ecosystem. Given this situation, the authorities have indicated what should be done in case of new findings. In this respect, they were strict: "Kill them immediately".

It all started when a man caught the specimen in a private pond and warned the authorities. After confirming that it was a snake-headed fish, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Georgia issued a press release in which he described the animal invasive species sharp teeth and almost a meter long. In addition, he said that he was able to breathe air and survive on Earth for days.

Regarding their presence in the south of the country, officials said the mystery remained. However, they expressed concern about the possible occurrence of other fish of this type in the region. In this regard, Matt Thomas, Chief of Fisheries, Division of Wildlife Resources, said: "The department is trying to determine if they have spread from the pond to prevent species from reaching other water plans in Georgia. "

The species can survive on Earth for several days (Photo: Natural Resources Department of Georgia).
The species can survive on Earth for several days (Photo: Natural Resources Department of Georgia).

As reported CBS News, a species is considered invasive when it begins to breed in an ecosystem that There are no natural predators that can control it.

In addition to this, there is the high survival capacity of snakehead fish, which includes a diet that can vary between fish, amphibians and small land animals, their ability to multiply at high speed in the state of Goergia.

Given this potential scenario, the government agency has indicated which are the stock this should be taken in case of encounter of a specimen of the species.

Once caught, a snakehead fish should not be released. In fact he must be killed immediately and freeze it. Then the authorities asked photograph your mouth, your fins and your tail e indicate the exact location where it was foundeither via reference points or directly with coordinates via a GPS.

Finally, it should be report all information at the Regional Fisheries Office of the Wildlife Division of Georgia to open an investigation into the case.


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