Georgina Barbarossa: "I buy milk in a bag because the money does not reach me"


The host talked about the country's economic state and was worried; "These things destabilize us," he said Source: LA NACION – Credit: Alejandro Guyot

In dialogue with the Radio Rivadavia program
Of pipe worth double,

Georgina Barbarossa

who this year returned to the theater with Doña Disparate and Bambuco, and driving with Quedate with Georgina in Crónica -, reflected on the state of the country and became personal allusion to his own economy.

"When I go to the supermarket he does not reach me I do not buy more cardboard milk, but I buy the bag, even if I lose the convenience of stacking them, I have to make cuts, "said the driver, very worried about her economy. "I do not have the money, just as I knew it would be a difficult year, even if I did not imagine much, it generated me a lot of work, and even there, it does not I did not reach it, "he added.

"Unfortunately, this moment is very difficult, very difficult, I think we must still be very united, because all these things destabilize the country and destabilize our soul (…) we all see how it is done" , did he declare. to the mood of Argentines. "We have a democracy that costs us and we have to defend it, but it's a delicate moment when a little spark makes use of everything." There is sadness, discouragement, frustration, disappointment, and frustration. lbaditude, "Barbarossa concludes. note

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