German justice decides to extradite Carles Puigdemont to Spain for embezzlement


Berlin .- The German courts decided today to extradite Spain's former president Carles Puigdemont to Spain for an alleged crime of embezzlement, but not for a rebellion, in a decisive step but not definitive in this case.

The sovereignist leader, for his part, will remain on bail in Germany until the execution of the extradition – for which there is no no dates or deadlines – and that could be paralyzed, as he announced his defense, a brief of amparo is presented to the German Constitutional Court, said Efe.

The Territorial Court of Schleswig-Holstein explained in a statement that it had ruled "inadmissible" the request for extradition for rebellion, requested by Judge Pablo Llarena of the Spanish Supreme Court, reiterating the arguments that he had previously outlined, in which he stressed that the degree of "sufficient" violence has not occurred.

"The amount of violence planned for the crime of high treason (the German equivalent of the type of Spanish rebellion) has not been reached in the clashes in Spain," the resolution said.

Neither one nor the other admits the crime of disturbing public order, which also raised the Spanish justice in case the crime of rebellion was not finally admitted, alleging that Puigdemont "was not the spiritual leader of the violent actions"

The hearing admitted that yes accepted the request for extradition for embezzlement of public funds in connection with the organization of the illegal referendum of 1 October, stating that, as pointed out by the Spanish Supreme Court, Puigdemont could have had a "Co-responsibility" in decisions that placed a burden on public funds.

"That these accusations be proven is an issue that should be clarified exclusively in the context of the criminal process in Spain," the text said.

The court also ruled that until the execution of extradition – jurisdiction of the prosecutor's office Schleswig-Holstein -, Puigdemont can continue to be released on bail because the defendant "always" respected the obligations arising from their legal situation.

Politician persecuted

The audiencia ignored the arguments of the defense of the sovereignist leader, who asked not to extradite Spain to Puigdemont because & # 39; He was a political persecutor and would not be able to have a fair trial.

He badured that he has an "unlimited trust" in which the Spanish justice will act in this case in the expected norms of the "community of values" and the "common law space" of the European Union.

The court also stated that it did not perceive "material impediments" to the extradition of Puigdemont, although it did not indicate precise dates and the period during which this operation was to be carried out.

The prosecution, charged with the execution of the extradition, took note of the court's decision and indicated that "shortly" would advance the next steps in the process.

He also reiterated that he did not agree with the decision, as the prosecution had requested extradition for rebellion and embezzlement, according to the Court's criteria Spanish Supreme, but acknowledged that there was no appeal against the resolution.

The defense of Puigdemont advanced today and its intention to appeal the decision to the German Constitutional Court, indicated sources of the environment of the United States. former Catalan president, who ensures that he is calm and lively.

In a statement, the team of German lawyers of the sovereign leader said that they will "immediately" review "the next steps of the procedure".

According to the German lawyer Nikolaos Gazeas, the only option that the defense has after today 's resolution that closes the "ordinary process" is to file a brief of amparo before the Constitutional Court German, what it badumes they will do because "Puigdemont has nothing to lose."

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