German magnate August Von Finck’s incredible Uruguay heist: they stole 17 gold bars


The significant episode occurred between early June and late July in Uruguay. More than a dozen people entered the ranch of August von fink junior, they managed to open the safe where some of their belongings were and they fled with a millionaire’s booty consisting of 17 gold bars.

The information was only revealed now, to the advanced investigation, by the newspaper The country. According to the chronicle, the striking heist occurred in two parts: the first of them on June 6; while the second, when they escaped with the equipment, it was July 26, about 20 days later.

At the first opportunity, the attackers managed to break into the ranch located in the coastal area of ​​the neighboring country. The investigation suspects that a contact would have given them the information concerning the places of the house and where was the safe of interest for criminals.

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Therefore, once inside, the attackers made their way through the underground area to the main room, where the German billionaire tycoon kept part of his fortune as well as important documents on business and family. Each carried the tools and instruments necessary to open the vault and get away from it all.

“When they first enter the ranch, the members of the organization they could only remove the iron lock from the safe and cut the first layer of iron that was thrown on the ground, ”said Carmelo’s prosecutor, Eugenia Rodríguez, who is in charge of the theft investigation.

The second entrance to the ranch

When they first entered, the material perpetrators of the theft they only stayed a few minutes there and escaped, even leaving the instruments they had used as cutting discs or oxygen tubes there. Everything remained in place for several weeks.

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But twenty days later, the attackers returned to the scene. It was July 26 when they managed to re-enter the safe and finish accessing what was inside.. There they found a significant amount of gold bars that they managed to craft: 17 in total, as well as thousand krugerrands, a well-known South African gold coin.

The loot with bullion and coins is valued at $ 2.5 million and had been withdrawn from a German bank. They were four months of exhaustive investigation until authorities dismantle the gang.

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The commando coup d’état was carried out by 11 people who were arrested in an operation called “Anonymus” and later sentenced by the Uruguayan courts. Regarding the millionaire heist loot, two months after it was consumed, there is no news.

Who is August von Fink junior, the assaulted tycoon

The film’s assault is targeted by August von Finck junior, a 91-year-old German banker who inherited his father’s fortune. In his turn too stayed with the Allianz insurance store, with a presence in Argentina, and the Finck bank.

August von Finck, the German banker robbed in Uruguay 20211004
August von Finck junior, the German banker robbed in the middle of the year.

From a marked low profile, the German businessman he had never been too interested in his father’s business and his family. On the contrary, man preferred science, the fine arts, botany and hospitality.

However, after the death of his namesake father, Von Fink junior he had to take over the business and management to keep it from collapsing. This is how he managed to take them and continue to increase his fortune: he is one of the richest millionaires with $ 8.7 billion according to Forbes magazine.


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