German priests bless thousands of same-sex couples – news


It was a strong reaction to a note published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which stressed that it considered homosexuality “a sin”. The Vatican also endorsed this position.

This way around 2,600 priests Yes 250 theologians they signed a petition in which they were openly against the Vatican.

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They denounced “a lack of theological depth, hermeneutical understanding and argumentative rigor”, as well as “an air of paternalistic superiority discriminating against homosexuals”. “Couples in love with the same sex are no less worth before God,” they said.

Through social media, priests urged “disobedience,” publicized their position, and shared blessings from gay and lesbian couples.

“We respect and appreciate their love, and we also believe that God’s blessings are upon them,” they said in a statement.

They even created a website that includes liturgical recommendations for the celebration of ceremonies, such as a selection of Bible passages, hymns and prayers.


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