German woman expelled from Colombia makes her first statements


In recent days, the name of the German Rebecca Sprösser He started appearing on social networks and media for his frontline participation in Cali, Valle del Cauca.

Last Tuesday, it was learned that Colombian migration officials approached the woman and that she was immediately expelled from the country. According to the authorities of the capital of the Valley, the young woman was involved in activities qualified as “bad behavior”.

Before the Colombian government’s decision, all kinds of comments were generated on social networks, including that of the German herself, who this Thursday, July 29, spoke on her Instagram account about her situation.

Through a few stories, Sprösser, who has more than 10,000 followers on the social network, thanked Internet users for the messages of support he has received and the difficult period he is going through.

“Thank you for your words, sorry if I don’t have the strength to answer. There are no words for the pain I feel. Entirely said, I want to die and I don’t know how to hold on “the woman wrote at the beginning.

Likewise, in another story, she brought up the decision of Migración Colombia, which not only expelled her from the country, but also prevented her from returning for several years. Additionally, she said that when she feels ready, she will recount details of events that many are unaware of.

“They banned me from entering Colombia for 10 years. It has become my home, I cannot go home for ten years. This is not the reason why I die inside, everything is much worse and when I have the strength I will tell you everything “, Rebecca quarreled.

For his part, the director of Migration Colombia, Juan Francisco Espinosa, explained that the decision was taken on the basis of the standards provided by law for these particular cases.

“The decision was made in order to comply with immigration regulations. This 34-year-old woman had a tourist permit, but her activities were not associated with it, there was a high degree of exposure and she put herself in danger ”, said the official.

Likewise, Espinosa pointed out that the woman did not have a passport to travel, so she had to be transferred to the German Embassy, ​​where “A document was processed, a PCR test was carried out and then it left the country. She was calm and knew the consequences ”.

Regarding the statements of José Miguel Vivanco, director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) for the Americas, who said that the legislation applied by Migration contradicted international standards, Espinosa said the whole process was based on the law. In addition, I let it be known that behind this situation there are political interests.

“Much of this opposition that takes place is a reflection of political positions, even future presidential campaigns. We are an authority, we act on the basis of the law and we are absolutely calm about the procedure that was followed ”, said the official.


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