Germany: A man boarded a collective and made a mistake on fourteen people


  Germany: A man boarded a collective bus and used fourteen people

Fourteen people were injured, two of them seriously, this Friday during a knife attack against a Urban bus in the German city of Lübeck, located 58 kilometers from Hamburg in the Schleswig-Holstein region, according to the local newspaper Lübecker Nachrichten. The police confirmed the attack, that there are people injured and that the attacker was arrested.

According to the local newspaper, the attacker climbed into the bus, which was heading towards Travemünde beach, dropped a backpack, pulled out a knife and started attacking the pbadengers. The public transport driver, realizing what was happening, stopped the vehicle and opened the doors so that the pbadengers could escape. According to the aforementioned newspaper, the attacker would have also hurt him.

The agents confirmed that they are investigating what happened and that a big operation is underway. "A large police operation is under way in Lübeck, Kücknitz, we are investigating what has happened and we will continue to report here soon," he said on his Twitter account. The bus, according to what the police said in a statement, was full. "Many pbadengers and witnesses have left the scene before their personal data can be retrieved by agents." Therefore, those who were in the bus at the time of the attack were invited to contact the police.

According to information obtained by Lübecker Nachrichten, the aggressor was around 30 years old and allegedly hails from Iran. The police did not confirm this data. "We ask you to understand why we do not provide information about the suspect's identity.It is important for us to divulge only contrasting information so as not to fuel speculation and not to hinder the identity of the suspect." 39, investigation, "he explained in a tweet

The portal Lübecker Nachrichten collects the testimony of Lothar H., an 87-year-old witness. on the scene: "the pbadengers left the bus and shouted, it was terrible, then they lowered the wounded, the person in charge had a kitchen knife."

Source: El País

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