Germany bans fabric chin straps in spaces …


German government prohibits the use of fabric masks in public spaces: henceforth, citizens must wear surgical chin straps or FFP2. The announcement was made by authorities last week, although each state will impose the date of entry into force of the new measure. France has also advised against the use of homemade masks and Austria has outright banned their use throughout the country.

The decision was taken in amid the strong epidemic of the new coronavirus sweeping through Europe and as new strains of the virus appear. In this context, the authorities decided to replace the use of fabric masks, which was widespread, with more protective masks.

The French government has called for the use of homemade fabric masks to be stopped because they are believed to be insufficiently filtering. Germany and Austria have also extended the use of medical chin straps (surgical or FFP2) in shops and transport.

However, from the The World Health Organization has clarified that the widespread use of the fabric mask is still effective, therefore there are no plans to remove its use from official recommendations.

“All the people of under the age of 60 who do not have specific health problems can use non-surgical fabric masks “, said WHO pandemic management officer, Maria Van Kerkhove.

The official recalled the importance of wearing face masks in areas where the virus is circulating “when people are crowded together and it is impossible for them to be at least one meter from each other, as well as in rooms poorly or poorly ventilated ”.

“Countries are free to take the measures they deem necessary,” said Maria Van Kerkhove, when asked about this new trend for surgical masks that some countries are taking.

However, he noted that even with the newer variants of the virus which may be more contagious, “we have no evidence to suggest that the mode of transmission has changed,” he explained. Therefore, “at this stage, we do not intend to change” the current recommendations.

Different types of chin straps and masks

They are considered the masks which they filter better because they block 94 percent of the finest particles (around 0.6 microns). They are intended in principle for medical personnel, in order to protect the person who wears them.

These protections adapt to the shape of the face without opening. FFP2 is the European name and N95 is its equivalent on the American continent.

Being almost airtight, it takes more effort to breathe, not to mention that they are more expensive.

The use of these polypropylene masks, originally reserved for the health sector, has widened with covid-19. Its main objective is to prevent its carrier from infecting others.

Blocks at least 95% of 3 micron particles. Just like the FFP2, you don’t have to wear it for more than four hours.

Fabric masks, industrial or artisanal, became widespread due to the shortage of surgical masks at the start of the pandemic. But now you are they began to be viewed as less safe against newer variants of the virus. The filtration capacity of these masks is approximately 70%.


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