Germany does not recommend AstraZeneca vaccine for children under 60


Germany do not recommend the application of itOxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in under 60 to, after the appearance of new data on possible side effects linked to bleeding disorders which in some cases turned out to be fatal.

The German vaccination commission drafted a recommendation that vaccines are only used in the elderlyBut that leaves open the possibility of giving it to younger people at the doctor’s discretion, someone familiar with the document told Bloomberg.

The measurement takes place after a report from the Paul Ehrlich Institute (IPE) during rare clot in the veins of the brain (cerebral venous sinus thrombosis) in 31 people, nine of whom died and in 19 platelet deficit in the blood. With the exception of two men (36 and 57), all cases were women aged 20 to 63.

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This Tuesday, Berlin public hospitals, Charite and Vivantes, have stopped administering the vaccine to women under 55.

The news is a new puzzle for the Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is already fighting with the regional lder (federal states) on the weak respect for the rstrictures to contain a possible new wave of coronavirus. The Chancellor even threatened to order a national quarantine if regional leaders do not apply more controls.

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The European Medicines Agency (EMA, for its acronym in English), which encouraged the use of AstraZeneca vaccine arguing that the benefits outweigh the risks, he recently said that cannot completely rule out a relationship between vaccination and blood clots, including rare cases in which patients have low levels of clotting platelets.

Last week the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) of France, had confirmed the existence of a “Rare risk” of atypical thrombosis after the application of the vaccine. According to ANSM, “Nine cases of thrombosis, atypical due to their location (mainly cerebral, but also digestive) associated with thrombocytopenia or coagulation problems” were observed, six more compared to the previous week. Most of those affected were under 55 and two people died of complications, including a 24-year-old medical student.

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Canad also suspended plans to administer AstraZeneca vaccine to the youngest for the problems of blood clotting; and Norway prolonged the temporary suspension of the vaccine.

Denmark was one of the first countries to warn against “unusual cases“of clots combined with low platelet count and bleeding, in the days following inoculation.

Germany, Italy, France and Spain suspend AstraZeneca vaccine application

In January – and as part of a strong dispute enter here Unin Europea (EU) and the Anglo-Swedish laboratory due to the delay in sending doses – European countries had decided do not recommend the vaccine to people over 65, given the lack of information on clinical trials in this age group. They later lifted the restriction, but in mid-March temporarily suspended the application of the AstraZeneca vaccine waiting for the EMA emitted about clots. A few days later, they resumed use.

Until now, 35% of doses administered in the block (64.7 million) correspond to AstraZeneca (22.8 million).


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