Germany, Hungary and Slovakia have started to vaccinate against the coronavirus | the Chronicle


Germany, Hungary and Slovakia started this Saturday on coronavirus vaccination and they are ahead of the rest of the European Union (EU) countries that have already received the drugs developed by the Pfizer / BioNTech and they will begin tomorrow with the inoculation campaign before the advance of the new strain detected in the United Kingdom.

Edith Kwoizalla, a 101-year-old woman living in a retirement home, became one of the first Germany be immune to Covid-19, the Deutsche Welle broadcasting service reported.

“For us, every day counts”, he counted Immo Kramer, responsible for a vaccination center in the state of Saxony-Anhalt, justifying the launch of the campaign one day before its official launch at national level.

Hungary also started with vaccination, in manifest disobedience to the intention of the EU to initiate it this Sunday simultaneously in its member states and to give a message of unity in the face of the pandemic.

Just like Slovakia, where the first to receive the vaccine was Vladimir Krcmery, member of the commission created by the government to fight the coronavirus crisis.

The first doses of the immunizer from the American laboratory Pfizer and the German BioNTech arrived this morning in hospitals and warehouses in France, Spain and Italy, the AFP news agency reported.

According to EU recommendations, during the first phase, health workers and the elderly will be vaccinated, although each country sets its priorities.

The regional bloc will join countries such as
United Kingdom, United States, Chile, Switzerland, Costa Rica or Mexico, who already vaccinate their population with this vaccine.

Transported from the factory that Pfizer owns in the Belgian city of Puurs in refrigerated trucks escorted by the security forces, the doses have now been distributed by different points on the European continent.

Spain, where there are already more than 50,000 deaths from Covid-19, the first shipment arrived this morning in the warehouses that the American laboratory has in Guadalajara, in the center of the country.

Spanish authorities expect to have vaccinated between 15 and 20 million people in June, out of a population of 47 million.

France, Where more than 62,500 people have died of the disease, vaccines arrived today at the central pharmacy of the Paris hospital agency, on the outskirts of the French capital.

The first vaccinations will be done tomorrow in two nursing homes: one in Sevran, near Paris, and the other in Dijon, in the east of the country.

Italy, where the vaccines arrived yesterday from the Austrian border, the first citizen to be vaccinated will be a 29-year-old nurse in a hospital in Rome, while in the north of the country Annalisa Malara, a doctor who has identified patient zero in the nation .

New strain of coronavirus in UK

As the EU prepares for vaccination campaigns against the coronavirus, which has already claimed more than 540,000 lives in the region, the new strain detected a week ago in the UK continues to spread across Europe .

Spain, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands have detected cases linked to this variant.

The announcement of this viral mutation, which is only detected if the virus genome sequence is analyzed after a PCR test, has led many countries to close their borders with the United Kingdom, causing chaos in the systems of supply and impressive traffic jams on the markets of continental Europe.


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