Germany: in revenge for a debt destroyed the facade of a building with a bulldozer | Tired of clamoring for the $ 5 million payment


In Germany, a 47-year-old building contractor destroyed large parts of a new building complex in retaliation to the owner for unpaid debt. From what the European media are reporting, he tires claim payment of $ 5 million.

As can be seen from the footage shown in German TV news, he did so through a excavatorwhich he used to destroy the balconies and the facade of the building.

Videos that have gone viral in recent hours show the entrepreneur aboard his shovel in front of a three-story apartment building. In a furious attack It looks like extends the machine arm to shave the glass balconies of the first and second floor units.

Local police reported that the building has 31 residential units. The man also damaged adjacent parking lots containing gas cans. After the operation carried out by German officers, the area of ​​the incident was cordoned off to avoid potential damage from gas leaks.

There was no one in the building But the moment of anger drew about fifty spectators. After his act of destruction, the man got into his car and drove away. He surrendered to the authorities and faces a total of $ 590,000 in property damage.

The businessman claimed pending payments which he believed were improperly withheld. However, according to Ingo Fangerow, general manager of the real estate developer, this information is false. 93% of the alleged debt would have been paid. Fangerow explained that there is another building in Blumberg, for which all costs have not been paid but would be borne by another real estate developer.


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