Germany, Italy and Austria want to reduce to zero illegal immigration – 07/12/2018


The German, Italian and Austrian governments have agreed today in Innsbruck, where a Council of Ministers of Justice and Community Affairs is meeting, to cooperate intensively to reduce "as much as possible "illegal immigration to the European Union.

"Things are relatively simple: we are all three in agreement to put order" and "send the clear message that in the future, it should not be able to walk on European soil if you are not entitled to protection ". Austrian Interior Minister Herbert Kickl urges after meeting with his Italian and German counterparts in front of the Council.

In "this project to curb immigration as much as possible and bring it back to zero", a meeting of the three countries will be organized at the technical level on July 19 in Vienna, said the head of Austria. The EU presidency this semester

The Italian leader, Matteo Salvini, said that from now on all three countries will work to reduce "departures (from outside Europe to the EU). Europe), landings, deaths (in the Mediterranean). "

With this, Italy, which" should not remain the only point of arrival "of refugees, is waiting for a" reduction problems, economic and social costs of an immigration that we are not able to Salvini, irritated by an Italian ship that saved immigrants at sea "src =" collections / static / lazy_square.svg "data-big =" "data-small =" 2018/06/17 / SySbHMV-7_110x110__1.jpg "observe =" "data-observer-function =" loadLazyImg "/>

His German colleague, Horst Seehofer, stressed that "the question of who receives asylum in Europe" should not be decided by the traffickers. "This unites us completely and now we look forward to a conversation with the Commissioner (European Immigration, Dimitris) Avramopoulos, who will tell us how the (European) Commission will tackle" the new position in migration policy. "

Seehofer recalled that already at the European Council held at the end of June there was a "paradigm shift" in this area, on which the three ministers were very satisfied today, 19659011] Some immigrant children do not recognize their parents after several months of interval "src =" "data-big =" 09 / Hylt53mm7_290x290__1.jpg "data-small =" "observe =" "data-observer-function =" loadLazyImg "/>

The three ministers held a trilateral meeting this morning before participating with the rest of their counterparts from the Twenty-Eight in an informal Council in the city of Innsbruck, capital of the Austrian Tyrol, focused on the issue of Migration

Seehofer pointed out that he expects the "delimited" points in the trilateral to be reflected in the Council conclusions.

Source: EFE

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