Germany: over 8,000 people received physiological saline instead of covid vaccine | The responsible person was a nurse and it is suspected that she acted on purpose


authorities of the Lower Saxony region, Germany, reported on Tuesday that those injected with saline instead of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine amount to 8,557.

It all happened between March and April of this year and initially 200 cases were detected. A nurse at a vaccination center in Friesland has pleaded guilty.

At the end of April, we learned that the 40-year-old nurse he replaced the drug with saline six times. The woman said she did not want to report that a vial containing the drug had fallen to the ground. After telling a colleague herself, who later informed the authorities, she was dismissed by the German Red Cross.

The case has spread and is now affecting thousands more people. According to a statement from the Friesland website in northwestern Germany, it is possible that the woman administered “to a total of 8,557 people” with physiological solution between March 5 and April 20.

“We must avoid harming these people, even though we don’t know how many people are actually affected,” Friesland administrator Sven Ambrosya said. The daily mirror.

Although he was not arrested, Police are investigating whether this action was politically motivated, since the nurse had criticized the vaccination campaign on social networks. The district will send an email to those affected to keep abreast of any missing vaccinations.


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