Germany studies rethink mandatory mask due to drop in COVID-19 infections


Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (Reuters)
Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (Reuters)

The German government put on the table this Sunday the possibility of declaring the end of the compulsory use of the mask at a time when the country has minimal incidence.

The country has recorded 1,489 cases and 18 deaths in the last few hours for a total of 17.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, data which, in Lambrecht’s opinion, invites reconsideration of further easing of restrictions.

By comparison, the incidence of infections was 24.7 the week before, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the official German agency in charge of monitoring the pandemic. In the past 24 hours, 1,489 infections have been checked – up from 2,440 the previous Sunday – and a total of 18 deaths, a notable drop from 74 the previous Sunday.

Heads of state will need to clarify whether the requirement to wear a mask continues to be proportionate, as numbers decline and incidence remains low.“German Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht told the newspaper photo on sunday.

This Monday, the Minister of Health Jens Spahn also raised this possibility. “Thanks to the lower incidence rate, we can proceed in stages; a first step could be the lifting of the use of the mask in outdoor spaces“He said in an interview with the Funke press group. “In areas with a very low incidence rate and a high vaccination rate, this could gradually reach interior spaces“He added.


In fact, the vice-president of parliament German (Bundestag) Wolfgang Kubicki went further and directly requested the complete order of the obligatory masks in the light of existing figures. “With an incidence rate well below 35, the state cannot have a general restriction of fundamental rights for all citizens,” he said, before declaring that “policies should depend on accountability. citizens rather than rules that tell people all the time how to act ”.

In Germany, wearing a mask is compulsory in closed public places, public transport, shops and certain busy streets.

On the other hand, the vaccination campaign accelerated. Almost one in two Germans (48.1%) has already received at least one dose, while 25.7% of the population is fully immune.

Germany, like most of its European neighbors, has seen a sharp drop in COVID-19 infections for several weeks, allowing restrictions to be relaxed.

Since the start of the pandemic, 3.7 million infections have been reported in the country, including 3.5 million recovered patients, while the death toll stands at 89,834.

In the first half of May, the United States lifted the recommendation to use a mask for those vaccinated.

(With information from Europa Press, AFP and EFE)


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