Germany: Warn that if the increase in cases continues, there will be more restrictions for the unvaccinated | Concern about the advancement of the Delta variant


the german government warned that if coronavirus cases continue to increase, impose restrictions on those who have not yet been vaccinated. Germany has recorded for two weeks an increase in the incidence of cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Last week, Chancellor Angela Merkel worried about the “exponential growth” of infections, in particular due to the progression of the Delta variant, prompting the population to be vaccinated. Until Germany vaccinated 60.4 percent of its population with one dose and 48 percent with both, although the vaccination rate has slowed in recent weeks. It should be remembered that vaccination in the country is not mandatory.

Concern for the unvaccinated

In dialogue with the newspaper Photo on Sunday, Chief of Staff Helge Braun assured that “Vaccinated people will certainly have more freedom than unvaccinated people. ” Braun noted that, if infections continue to increase, the unvaccinated will have to reduce their contacts again despite the massive testing strategy that Germany has followed in recent months.

“It could mean that visiting places like restaurants, cinemas and stadiums would no longer be possible even for unvaccinated people who have been tested, as the risk is too high“He said. According to the chief of staff, the country has a duty to protect the health of people, which includes” a health service that does not have to postpone cancer and joint operations in winter to treat the sick of the covid “.

First reviews

Braun’s proposal sparked backlash the junior partner of the ruling coalition, the Social Democratic Party (SPD), and even the president of his own party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Armin Laschet.

“Until now, the principle was that vaccinated, people with a negative test and a certificate of having conquered the disease have the same treatment to access certain acts,” Laschet said in an interview with Channel 2 television. German (ZDF). “This principle is correct. In a liberal state, there can only be rights for certain groups“he added.

For his part, the leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Müntzenich, said he was surprised by the proposal and said the center of attention should be on people who want to be vaccinated but have not been able to do so. “With threats, we will not change the attitude of some people towards vaccines. In addition, there are serious constitutional impediments to granting unequal treatment to those vaccinated and those who test negative, ”he added in statements to the media from the RND group.

Fear of the Delta variant

The weekly incidence of the coronavirus in Germany is currently 13.8 infections per 100,000 populationaccording to the latest data from the Robert Koch Institute of Virology. These levels are well below the peak, reached in December, with 196.7 weekly cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Public life was then practically paralyzed, a situation that lasted until May, when a cautious reopening was carried out.

Although the current level of incidence is relatively low, the upward trend is of concern. “If (the incidence) continues to rise, it will be difficult to prevent infections from entering schools,” he said on Sunday. Braun, who called on parents and educational staff to get vaccinated “to reduce the danger to children”. As well recommended to maintain the compulsory use of the mask in class and in public transport.

Health pass resistance

For the time being, Contrary to what happens in countries like France or Italy, where the health pass is already in effect, the German population can go to restaurants, cinemas and sports halls if they are fully vaccinated or can present a recent negative test. As polls show the move garners great approval, massive protests were recorded over the weekend in Europe.

To the cries of “Liberty, liberty”, more than 160,000 people protested against the use of the health passport in many activities, compulsory vaccination for certain professions and new restrictions in cities such as Paris or Lyon. Italy has followed the British example and will require from August 6 a health passport to access closed public spaces, available to people with a full vaccination or a recent negative test. This is why thousands of Italians have demonstrated against the measure, in various cities from Naples to Turin, with banners with phrases such as: “Better to die free than to live as slaves!”

Since the start of the pandemic, 3,763,018 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 92,001 deaths have been recorded in Germany. Germany has a lower number of covid cases than its European neighbors, but over the past two weeks the country has seen an increase caused by the Delta variant. Since mid-July, the Robert Koch Institute for Health Surveillance has detected an average of 1,000 cases per day.

“We have an exponential growth in infections. This dynamic strikes me as worrying”, He said Angela Merkel a few days ago at a press conference in Berlin. “We have to assume that we will have twice as many infections in less than two weeks,” the German Chancellor said.


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