Germany’s drastic decision against those unvaccinated by new infections


The people not vaccinated against the covid-19 could face further restrictions if infections continue to rise in GermanyChancellor Angela Merkel’s chief of staff said today: Helge braun. “Vaccinated people will certainly have more freedom than unvaccinated people,” Braun told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

For the moment, contrary to what has happened in France since this week, the Germans can go to restaurants, cinemas and gyms if they are fully vaccinated or they may have a recent negative test.

But if infection rates continue to rise, people not vaccinated they will also have to reduce their contacts, Braun said.

Germany threatens restrictions on those who do not get vaccinated

“It could mean that visiting places like restaurants, cinemas and stadiums would no longer be possible, even for women. unvaccinated people that have been tested because the risk is too high, ”he said.

According to Braun, the country has a duty to protect people’s health. “This includes a health service that does not have to postpone cancer again and winter joint operations to treat patients with covid“.

Germany It experiences low infection rates compared to its European neighbors, but cases have increased in the past two weeks, fueled by the Delta variant.

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