"Get up, get up!": Last minutes of Boeing 737 Max from Ethiopian Airlines


A Wall Street Journal investigation revealed what were the last words of one of the pilots of the Ethiopian Airlines flight that crashed on March 10, causing the death of the 157 enplaned pbadengers.

According to the US newspaper, the Boeing 737 Max pilot shouted, "Raise him, lift him up" a few moments before the plane starts to take off. The Washington Post explained that Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302 had problems immediately after taking off from Addis Ababa airport, the Ethiopian capital. According to people close to the ongoing investigation quoted by the newspaper, the co-pilot, Ahmed Nur Mohammed, contacted the control tower and reported a "flight control problem".

The tower asked for details when Commander Yared Getachew attempted to lift the aircraft and correct the glide path. After two minutes of swinging flight, a strong tremor took place, after which the aircraft began to collapse. The flight lasted less than six minutes in total.

According to the newspaper sources, the accident occurred because the Maneuvering Feature Enhancement System (MCAS) was activated accidentally shortly after take-off; as a result, the nose of the aircraft tilted at a time when it reached 137 meters high.

The report was released as Boeing was under increasing pressure to update the software of its best-selling aircraft, the 737 Max. At present, governments and airlines around the world have banned theft of this model, and a large number of airlines are losing money due to the cancellation of flights.

The latest update of the 737 MAX MCAS stabilization system was presented Friday at Boieng headquarters in Washington, DC, to more than 200 government pilots, technicians and regulators.




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