Ghosts in a hospital for tuberculous and lepers | Chronic


By Leonardo Schwarz
[email protected]

Diseases from the respiratory tract have greatly damaged Spain at the beginning of the last century. The lack of knowledge, the shortcomings in medicine of those years, and especially the social welfare policies of the kingdom at that time, as well as the lack of hygiene, among other things, caused a powerful evil to the l '. era, such as tuberculosis was imposed in this scene.

They have hardly found the formula to fight this evil, so the slightest harm or "Remedy" The driver's license was very precarious: all those affected were transferred to remote areas of cities so as not to continue to infect the rest of the community. Over many years, we began to look for variants and the recipe was to build hundreds of centers scattered in the mountains far from the country, to try to isolate the affected people and simultaneously treat the thousands of patients suffering from these disorders. conditions.

It is in these premises, and by urgent necessity, that many economic efforts have been founded, the Social Fund beneficial Sanatorio Antituberculoso de Sierra Espuña, in the region of Murcia. One hundred years after its creation, this complex continues to have an impact throughout the world, as it has become a tourist center. The reason? It is not suitable for weak hearts because it is full of paranormal and phantasmagorical stories that generate the attraction (and fear) of strangers and who cross its walls. It's the story.

The antituberculous sanatorium of Sierra Espuña hides paranormal stories.

Growth and Decline

The construction began in 1913. Neighbors and volunteers engaged in this action began to slowly lift the building and tried during the remainder of this year to raise the funds necessary for the continuation of the work. Despite this, it was not until 1917 that the first floor of the Preventorio was completed. But the works were lengthened by lack of funds and the building was ceded to the state in 1931.

Finally, the official inauguration would arrive in 1935, about 23 years after the beginning of the works. Almost like being at the gates of the violent armed conflagration that would end in the bloody Spanish civil war that the Spanish people were confronted on both sides, between July 17, 1936 and April 1, 1939.

Death, as in the whole period of the belligerents, has not gone unnoticed in this region. During the years of the Republic, the works had their worst time because of the direct clashes of the board of directors with the republican authorities and it was only in 1931 that the works were ceded to the state where the ceilings were finished. these would receive their final accolade, ending in full in 1934.

What were the comforts offered to patients by extensive construction? There was a basement, a ground floor, a first and a second floor, although later the janitor's house, garages, stables, morgue and wakes were built separately.

They raised funds for their construction in 1913.

Latest activities

Designed as a refectory (the monks' living room), it functioned as a sanatorium until 1962 and also served as a hospital serving the citizens of the surrounding towns. However, advances in medicine and the discovery in 1949 of streptomycin (this aminoglycoside antibiotic used in the treatment of tuberculosis and infections with susceptible gram-negative germs) have made diseases of these characteristics the European Union has been treated in another way, considerably reduced and little by little, the nearly 200 beds of the sanatorium were empty.

It is perhaps for this reason that, towards the middle of the year 1962, the last patients were transferred to Hospital of Albacete and, once without patients, Sanatorio antituberculoso de Murcia, Sierra Espuña, officially lowered the blinds. Although, between its walls and under its roofs, many stories would continue to live to this day.

The number of patients has dropped considerably and they closed in 1962.

Live and not so much

Some witnesses who paint gray hair and who have come to know the enigmatic Antituberculosis Hospital of Sierra Espuña are encouraged to give compelling stories. They say that most of the paranormal events that can be experienced on the site today occur on the first floor, which is where most of the irregularities of the place were generated during his most years. splendid.

Are these witnesses encouraged to report that these patients who were in an almost irreversible state were buried in a sort of cemetery that they did at the back of the square. And more: some of those dying "They survived" and they beat the coffins with despair, arousing fear among those who did this work.

One of the most recorded cases and that was mbadified by word of mouth, indicates that a soldier stationed in the already evicted place said long ago that during a night of custody , in the 80s, he played in unusual episode Did everyone go to bed and in the early morning one of the guards shouted "High" by observing a blurry and feminine silhouette. All her peers rose to the high sound of the voice and went to the place, but nothing was done: the woman, ethereal, who came to see clearly disappeared without leaving any trace of his presence.

Witnesses said they buried the patients in an irreversible state at the bottom of the sanatorium.

More to say

Hundreds of stories have invaded the building and have become an attraction for wacky tourists who continually visit Spain. Because the history of the Antiruberculoso de Sierra Espuña, besides the testimonies on the place that gave the world, can also provide an innumerable amount of videos and audios that are trying to Explain the reasons for these real "paranormal tours".

The most finished example? For example, doors and windows open without reason, and there are also noises that escape all logic. In the most absolute silence. Perhaps because death, in this dark place, still lives. Officially, from 1917 to 1962, the building served as a hospital for people with tuberculosis and leprosy, although other infectious diseases were also treated.

In 1962, the last patients were transferred to Albacete and its use changed, becoming the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Science which, the following year, made it a home school for students not having easy access to education. It worked like this until the high transportation costs of students became too unsustainable and the Junta de Murcia converted it back into a youth hostel in the 1980s.

It remained open until 1995, when it was permanently closed. From that moment, it was kept until 1997, but it was finally abandoned. It is then that all paranormal phenomenology gains importance. It is therefore in absolute solitude and at the mercy of predators and "You occupy".

According to tourists, doors and windows open without any reason.

No hotels

Already in 2008 and in other political colors, proposals were reactivated to use the complex of buildings: the possibility of creating a hotel complex of 200 rooms was studied, but two problems arose. Some have spread to be inside the natural park, while others have badured that it could only be profitable because of the negative reputation of the park. 39, former hospital.

Are the stories that are still commented on about the place going against the tranquility, so that no one would want to spend the night there? It is perhaps for this reason that, for the moment, it only arouses the interest of lovers of paranormal episodes, who still do not find answers to everything that happens and will happen there. low.

What you found during a visit to the place

If you are in Spain and cross the autonomous region of Murcia, an alternative to lovers of paranormality is to visit the abandoned hospital of Sierra Espuña. Located south-east of the Iberian Peninsula, between Andalusia and the Valencian Community, between the Mediterranean coast and Castilla-La Mancha, it is accessible from this city by taking a long road, in the middle of a thick vegetation.

For this reason, the place is perfect for the aeration therapy that has been used for tuberculosis and, in fact, the first thing that we can see are the terraces. When you arrive, the first thing you see is the hostel and the two floors. In all cases, the dropout is noted. Upon entering the building, you can cross the long corridors, where you can clearly see that after several renovations, there is nothing left of their past as a sanatorium.

The possibility of creating a hotel complex of 200 rooms has been studied.

The hallways are in poor condition and even one of these galleries seems to have suffered a fire. On the lower floor you will also find various rooms, such as kitchens and boilers. To access the different floors, the central tower of the structure had an elevator, apart from the stairs. While it was a school, in the tower were the director and staff rooms.

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With a tiled roof, which clearly allows time and abandon, the terraces are usually the most visited site, especially for those who think that the visit will be a simple trip. At night, those who visited the site say that everything seems to crack and even hear doors that open and close, and even voices. Although, in these cases, there is little irrefutable evidence to expose.


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