Giant Sunfish Discovered Off North Coast Of United States Puzzles Scientists | How he got there or how he died is not explained


At first, it was guys who discovered it. With their cries, they alerted those who walked on the beach. Within minutes, a huge group had formed that looked surprised. After a while, experts from the Oregon Seaside Aquarium arrived.

They were also stunned by the huge and round specimen of light fish or opah that had died on the sea coast. Bright orange, silvery and speckled with white, weighed 45 kilos. His large eyes were speckled with gold.

Scientists, nearly a week after the discovery, They have no explanation for his death and his arrival on the sea coast of this state on the North American coast.

Tiffany Boothe, deputy director of the small community beach seaside aquarium, expressed doubts about the appearance of a sunfish in this region. Boothe explained that this was the first time there had been one in Oregon and the cause of death was unclear, given that “He was in good condition, which means he was close to shore when he died.”

For its size and beauty, the discovery of the fish caused “a stir” on social networks posted the Seaside Aquarium on his Facebook account last Wednesday when it was found.

Experts at the Seaside Aquarium in Oregon, United States, analyze the remains of fish weighing more than 45 kilograms. Heidi Dewar, a biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Fisheries Administration (NOAA), said that these cases are “unusual”.

The specialist attributed climate change as a possible hypothesis on the arrival of pumpkinseed in this area. “We see how some marine organisms move north when ocean temperatures rise», He indicated.

However, he noted that “there are sunfish or opahs off the coast of California, near Oregon, so not super surprising. It’s not like it’s a fish that came from the southern hemisphere ”.

NOAA has indicated that this fish is typical of tropical and temperate waters, including the Pacific Islands and the West Coast, Southeast, New England, and Mid-Atlantic areas of the United States.

There is not much information about sunfish, although it is known that he is the only one with warm blood, that it is a deep-sea predator and has blood vessels in its gills that allow warm blood to circulate throughout the body.

Sunfish or opah found in Oregon on Wednesday of last week will be frozen until the end of the year, when it is planned to be dissected to study your samples. “Their weaving could reveal where they live and what they eat,” Dewar said. As, its skeleton will be kept so that it can be displayed in the aquarium.


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