Gibraltar completes vaccination of its adult population …


As part of an uneven and uneven vaccination campaign in different countries of the world, the British Minister for Health, Matt hancock, announced this Thursday that the territory of Gibraltar has already vaccinated all of its inhabitants against the coronavirus.

“I am delighted to report that Gibraltar yesterday became the first nation in the world to complete the vaccination of its entire adult population”, said the minister in front of the Parliament.

According to official data as of March 17, a total of 49,981 biopharmaceutical vaccines have been administered Pfizer Yes AstraZeneca. To date, 20,147 people have received both doses and only 29,834 the first, out of a total population of over 33,000.

In recent days, however, new infections have been recorded in the Rock, four of which had already received the first dose and one the full cycle. For this reason, the Prime Minister of the Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom, Fabian Picardo, asked the population to continue “to be careful and vigilant”, even “after the vaccines”.

Hancock thanked the President of Gibraltar for the praise he has lavished on the UK for the coronavirus vaccination campaign. “The vaccination program has been a success thanks to the team spirit of all nations of the British family.”stressed the official.

The territory located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula was captured by Anglo-Dutch forces in 1704 and then ceded in perpetuity by Spain to the British crown in 1713.

Although it is under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, Spain does not regard it as a nation but as a colony and demands its return.

The United Nations (UN), waiting for 1946 calls for the start of a process of decolonization that the United Kingdom systematically ignores, as it does with the Malvinas Islands, whose claim of sovereignty by Argentina year after year in the General Assembly of the organization.


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