Girl died 15 hours after testing positive for Covid-19 – News


The girl’s parents, Lastassija White and Quincy Drone, argued that their daughter ceased to exist after “a short battle with the virus”.

Tagan was treated at a local hospital for constant vomiting and fatigue.

After taking the test, she was sent home with a promise that she would be fine and did not register basic symptoms of the disease such as fever and cough.

Once home, the girl became even weaker, had acute breathing problems, and eventually died.

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“The doctor told us our daughter would be fine, but she was not even twenty-four hours old. She died within fifteen hours,” the father said.

The mother, meanwhile, bade her a final farewell with a shocking message in Instragram: “My sweet love, how am I supposed to continue now? Please Tagan my heart is so empty I’m broken and I don’t know if I can ever pull myself together, how am I supposed to sleep at night All I hear is “Mom, can I lie about you?” Without those words every night I’m so lost… My love, I still question the actions of the gods. How could he save me a week ago just to do this to me? He could have taken me. I wish he had taken me. “

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