Girl Who Recorded Video for TikTok Stripped and Abused by Herd of 400 Men | the Chronicle


Ayesha Akram, a star of TIC Tac of Pakistan, he decided to celebrate the independence day of that country in a park in the city of Lahore. The young woman arrived accompanied by four friends and she never imagined that she would be the victim of a brutal assault.

When tried to record a video to share on the social network, a herd of 400 men attacked her, stripped her naked and threw her in the air. The events happened last week on August 14, the anniversary of the Asian country’s homeland date.

The episode involves a new incident of violence against women in the region and when it went viral, it sparked public outrage. Even the prime minister, Imran Jan, and other authorities have referred to the tragic event.

In the video you can see that a horde of men of all agesher jumped a fence, surrounded her and then attacked her.

The victim told police that the men hit her, ripped her clothes off, beat her and threw her in the air. Further, Akram recounted that They stole 15,000 rupees (approximately 20,000 pesos), her cell phone, a gold ring and earrings.

Of the hundreds of men present, many of whom simply watched or even recorded what was going on, only one came to rescue the woman and helped her out of the park.

The president’s advisor, Zulfiqar Bukhari, indicated in his account Twitter What “The government will not forgive a single person involved.”

For his part, the government spokesperson, Fayazul Hassan Chohan, indicates that all those involved are identified through registration and called the incident “shameful”.

The strong images sparked outrage in Pakistan. The Leader of the Opposition, Shezbaz Sharif, said on his Twitter account that he was “deeply disturbed” for the incident, which he described as “embarrassing”.

For its part, Faisal Javel Khan, senator from the Prime Minister’s party, spoke in his profile on the same social network that “Those responsible for this crime will be punished” and added that the pakistani government “He works with victims of violence and abuse”.

The viral video of the tiktoker attack in Pakistan


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