Giro de Uruguay: together with the European Union, they demand elections in Maduro


Representatives of European diplomacy and Latin American governments agreed at a summit on the need to convene presidential elections to get out of the crisis Source: archive

MONTEVIDEO.- More pressure against Maduro: the meeting of European and Latin American foreign ministers convened by Uruguay's President Tabaré Vázquez ended with a statement calling for "free, transparent and credible presidential elections in accordance with the Venezuelan Constitution ", without the signature of Mexico, which has not yet condemned the regime.

Dialogue, peaceful mechanism, mediations, but with an ingredient that was not expected in the previous hours: elections are essential and not to renew the National Assembly as Nicolás Maduro wanted, but for the people of Venezuela to choose a new one president as a legitimate solution a
the Venezuelan crisis.

The Bolivarian regime considered Uruguay as a relative ally, not to provide implicit support, but to give air and save time, and received an unexpected slap. For this reason, Chavismo representatives supported the launch of this dialogue mechanism, called the "international contact group", which met in the Uruguayan capital.

The original intention of Uruguay and Mexico was a statement with a proposal for mediation but without taking sides for one of the parties, but the participation of European representatives was essential in the turn that the meeting gave.

The Italian Federica Molgherini appealed to the Chavez government to open the democratic game
The Italian Federica Molgherini appealed to the Chavez government to open the democratic game Source: archive

The Vice President and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union, Federica Mogherini, and the Foreign Ministers, Josep Borrell (Spain), Enzo Moavero (Italy), Augusto Santos Silva ( Portugal) and Margot Wallström (Sweden) for Europe participated. ; and Latin Americans Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico), Diego Pary (Bolivia), Manuel Ventura Robles (Costa Rica) and José Valencia (Ecuador).

Uruguay's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rodolfo Nin Novoa, said his deliberations aimed to find a way to work together for a peaceful exit to Venezuela and "to establish the guarantees necessary for a credible electoral process". He added: "The Venezuelan problem can be settled as soon as we start talking about elections".

For her part, Federica Mogherini strongly stated that her goal was to "restore democracy in all its dimensions" and to dialogue with all parties to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches Venezuela.


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