Giro: Facebook will explain how you use your personal data to earn money


The new wording will detail the services that Facebook sells to third parties, based on the use of its users' data. how consumers can close their accounts and why accounts can be disabled.

In a statement posted on their website, the EC stated that these developments occurred after the agency-to-society exchanges, which were aimed at obtaining full disclosure of Facebook's business model in plain language and aimed at people.

"A company that wants to restore consumer confidence after the Facebook / Cambridge Analytica scandal should not hide behind complicated legal jargon explaining how it generates billions (in dollars) of personal information"he claimed Vera JourováCommissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality.

For the Czech leader, "Today, Facebook finally shows its commitment to greater transparency and direct language in its terms of use."and the new formulation "Users will clearly understand that the social network uses their data to sell targeted ads".

According to the Commission, Facebook Explain that you do not charge their services in exchange for users sharing their data and exposed to commercial advertisements.

The agency has announced that the US company will also modify its policy of limitation of liability in order to recognize its role in case of negligence, for example in cases where the data have been mishandled by third parties.

Facebook must complete the implementation of these commitments by the end of June 2019and will be subject to sanctions in case of not doing so.


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