"Give blood, give life to another person" | Chronic


Every June 14, the entire planet is celebrated on World Blood Donor Day, as a means of raising awareness of the importance of spreading one of the most important public health practices. The percentage of voluntary blood donations is very low and preoccupies hospitals and health professionals because they have a vital need for transplants or frequent surgical procedures.

Sofia Crotti, journalist Chronic group, He revealed his story and emphasized the importance of being a blood donor: "In 2009, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system, ganglia." Like any chemotherapy treatment and you are immunocompromised, you can get your red blood cells and you probably have to have blood transfusions and sometimes you put a lot of emphasis on how the person is going to give blood, whether they're going to feel bad or if the requirements are very demanding, which means that people do not give as much, but if they talk more about who the transfused person feels, who encourages people to give more, when you give blood, it's like if you give life to another person, because you feel like you're leaving and without energy, and suddenly they do the transfusion, they come back to live, that's to know that l & # 39; one can give life to another, it seems incredible to me and people should know it. "

Sofi emphasized the importance of donating blood (Photo: Hernán Nersesián, Crónica)

Sofia added how she felt as a recipient: "Three transfusions have been given and 20 donors needed, there is also platelet donation, which is a little more complex, but it is also what is missing."

"You feel like you're leaving and without energy, and suddenly, when you receive the transfusion, it's like you're coming back to live"

Asked why people are not so close to giving, the reporter said that "Drawing blood scares people, it's scary, and sometimes the requisitions can overwhelm, but it's good to try to see if they can give, and they'll feel something incredibly that gives life to someone else. "

Today, the role of the media in spreading this important issue seems crucial, and Sofia has agreed to say that "Gradually, we communicate on the subject, but the media plays an important role, there are notes on the requirements, but if you focus on what the person feels, she will encourage people to donate."

"For one is a procedure, for the other is to give energy"

"Whenever I was transfused, I felt that I was getting up to full capacity, giving myself a lot of energy, going from powerless to being able to get up and doing the simplest things like to bathe ", account Carolina Lafuente, a 29-year-old girl with leukemia who needs blood transfusions to live. Caro is a television producer and has managed to heal herself with the help of others. In Argentina, it has become a reality that more and more donors are needed.

Caro with Isolda Fernández, his hematologist from Fundaleu.

"For you, there is a procedure, schedule times to see when you have time to go donate, sometimes give priority to something else and adjust the fact, but of course. on the other hand, there is someone who needs this blood to get out of bed, walk a little and feel impatient, with energy … That the blood transfused to a patient, besides feeding a need of the body, nourishes the desire, and that is what gives you the strength to do things day, you feel much more alive. "

On the other hand, there are people who take their time to go even if every two times to give their blood. "It's a moment and that's all"He counted Darío, one of the volunteer donors.


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