Global concern over advance of Delta variant: curfews are back and restrictions tighten


the fast forward of Delta variant the global coronavirus is forcing several countries to rethink your strategies to try to appease the consequences of this more serious epidemic of the disease. One of these cases is that of Europe, where, faced with the fear of a strong regrowth in the coming weeks, the restrictions to its citizens or hardening of entry conditions to their territories.

For example on the tourist island of Mykonos, evening capital at Greece, now nightclubs will close soon after the imposition of a night curfew between 1 and 6 hours, the same time as that applied the day before in Barcelona.

At the same time, France requires from this Saturday a negative test disease in the last 24 hours to all unvaccinated people in the UK, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece and the Netherlands. This in addition to having included in its “red” list of countries by pandemic risk for Cuba, Indonesia, Mozambique and Tunisia.

The Delta variant is also spreading rapidly through Italy, where infections and casualties continue to rise, while signs of higher ICU admissions are confirmed. In this context, infections in already vaccinated Despite this, the experts reiterated the invitation to be vaccinated because, they insist, the two doses of serum prevent the most serious forms of the coronavirus, and therefore hospitalizations and deaths.

This Barcelona restaurant had to close earlier after the nighttime curfew went into effect due to the advance of the Delta variant of the coronavirus. (Photo: AFP capture)

Meanwhile, the government of United States He asked this Saturday that those who resist vaccination be vaccinated against the coronavirus, due to the increase in infections, hospitalizations and deaths caused by the Delta variant, which is already the majority in the community transmission of the country.

“There is a clear message coming: this is becoming a pandemic of unvaccinated persons ”, warned the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rochelle Walensky.

Soon after, and with very similar words, the president Joe biden warned of the danger of individuals and groups who misinform on vaccines and the pandemic on social networks, mainly Facebook. “The only pandemic we have is among those who are not vaccinated. They kill people ”, he said before leaving the White House by helicopter.

For its part, only Asia accounts for almost a third of new cases reported daily (an average of 145,840 cases per day, 28% more than the previous week). Indonesia reached a world record of infections reported every 24 hours with 54,000, and thus became one of the main sources of the pandemic on the mainland largely because of the Delta strain.

At Thailand, Authorities on Saturday announced a record 10,082 infections and 141 deaths amid a severe wave, which threatens plans to end mandatory quarantine for travelers vaccinated from October.

After having imposed a night curfew and other restrictions since last Monday, the government is evaluating to toughen measures in the country in the face of the unstoppable increase in confirmed cases, which are putting great pressure on the health system.

At Burma, the lack of oxygen and the saturation of hospitals adds to the mistrust of the population towards the military junta which seized power after the coup of February 1.

Relatives of an Indonesian coronavirus victim pray for her in a cemetery on the island of Java. (Photo: AFP / Juni Kriswanto)

The panorama in Oceania and Africa by the Delta variant

In addition, Australian authorities have tightened restrictions in the metropolitan area of Sidney, the largest city in the country, after a lockdown for several weeks that failed to contain an epidemic of coronavirus associated with the more contagious and virulent Delta variant.

Businesses deemed non-essential will have to shut down across the city and surrounding areas, while residents of the hardest-hit suburbs will face a tougher lockdown from midnight today, Head of Government Gladys Berejiklian State of New South Wales.

Amid a sharp rise in coronavirus cases due to the rapid spread of the Delta variant, Africa it is facing its worst moment since the start of the pandemic. A collapsed health system and in many non-existent areas, a slow-moving vaccination campaign as experts implore other areas to overdose, and 20% malnutrition make up an explosive cocktail.

The current month of July marked a turning point in the epidemiological curve of the African continent, since it has largely exceeded the ceiling established last January, and the current projection increasingly distances the idea of ​​a drop in the rate of disease. infections.

A street in central Sydney devastated by new restrictions imposed by Australian authorities. (Photo: AFP / Steven Saphore)

The Delta threat in Latin America

The government of mexican capital announces today that the dominant variant among infections is already Delta, a mutation much more contagious than the previous ones, and represents between 60 and 65% of cases. The country already has a total of more than 2.6 million cases and 236,000 deaths from the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic.

While the Director of Health Surveillance Paraguay, Guillermo Sequera, announced on Saturday that all travelers from overseas must comply with a mandatory five-day quarantine, in a measure that aims to prevent the entry of the Indian strain of the disease. The measure will enter into force next Wednesday and concerns all those entering the country, whether Paraguayans or foreigners.

In turn, the possibility that the Delta variant could be extended by Ecuador It has sparked concern and debate, after health officials this week confirmed the first ten cases, five of which have died. At present, the new threat (which includes a case of the ‘Delta plus’ subvariant) has been detected in Guayaquil as well as in the coastal province of El Oro, in the southwest of the country and at the border. from Peru.

While, Uruguay recorded this Saturday its first cases of the new strain, of which 26 infections have been confirmed in people who remain in good health and with “close surveillance”, as reported by health authorities. Those infected with Delta have arrived from four different countries.

For its part, the identification of 15 travelers who returned to Argentina with the Delta variant, it triggered the alerts and the National government warned it would tighten border controls land and air, and ensure the compliance with compulsory isolation for citizens entering the country.


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