Global stock markets fall as the trade dispute between the United States intensifies and China


In Europe, the markets are down more than 1%, while the Nikkei in Japan and Shanghai in China have closed today with losses

The World's Stock Exchanges return to negative territory after the trade dispute between the United States and China, since in Europe, markets fall by more than 1% or more early Asia, the Nikkei in Japan and the Shanghai China have closed with losses.

The Ftse-100 of the London Stock Exchange operates with a fall of 1.2% while the DAX of Frankfurt loses 1.3% and the CAC-40 of Paris 1.2% . In Madrid, Ibex-35 records a decrease of 1.2%.

A similar picture was lived earlier in the Asian trade that fell as a result of new tariffs announced last night by the United States against Chinese imports

The Nikkei main index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, closed today with a fall of 1.19%, while the second indicator, the Topix , lost 0.83% hit by the last chapter of the trade war between the two major world powers.

Tokyo broke a series of three-day winnings, that even the disaster caused by torrential rains in the center and the west of the country had failed to capsize.

Meanwhile, the general index of the Shanghai Stock Exchange the main indicator of Chinese markets, closed today with a fall of 1.85%, and remained at 2,775,773 whole On the other mainland stock exchange, that of Shenzhen, losses were even greater, since its general index lost 2% and ended the session at 9,024.72 points.

The New American Offensive

The Administration of Donald Trump Pbades a Step in its Confrontation with China by Threatening to Impose tariffs of 10% ] on a list of
Chinese imports worth US $ 200,000 million, a move that damaged the most at-risk goods worldwide.

Washington revealed one list of Chinese goods which proposed customs duties including hundreds of food products, as well as tobacco, coal, chemicals and tires, food for dogs and cats, furniture carpets, bicycles, toilet paper, in addition to electronic goods as components of televisions.

"For more than a year, the Trump government urged China to stop its unfair practices. open their markets and participate in a real competition on the market The commercial representative, Robert Lighthizer, announcing the proposed tariffs, " "Instead of responding to our legitimate concerns, China began to respond to US products (…) Nothing justifies such action, "he added in a statement. China's response is not long in coming, but its room for maneuver is exhausted.

Last week, Washington imposed 25% liens on Chinese imports worth US $ ] 34 billion and Beijin immediately reacted by matching tariffs on US exports to the Asian giant valued at the same amount.

Trump said that he could impose tariffs on more than $ 500,000 in Chinese Products, about total imports United States of China l 39; ;last year.

Some American commercial groups and prominent legislators criticized the measure quickly. Republican Orrin Hatch, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee, said that " seems reckless."

The American Chamber of Commerce which approved tax cuts decreed by Trump and the efforts to reduce regulation in business, also expressed its contrary opinion to the proposed tariffs

"The tariffs are simple and simple taxes ." Imposing taxes on other products valued at $ 200,000 million will increase daily badets of American families farmers, workers and job creators " said a spokeswoman for the Chamber of Commerce. "This will also result in retaliatory tariffs, which will further hurt US workers."

Government officials stated that there would be a two-month process to allow the public to comment on the proposed rates before the new list is completed.

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