Global stock markets resume after China's call for Trump to resume talks


The highest rates recorded in New York recorded increases above 1% during the day, while the other regions had mixed results.

The largest stock market in the world has resumed its growth. US President Donald Trump told the G7 summit that China has called for the resumption of negotiations on the trade war who keeps the two powers face to face. This comes after the application of new cross tariffs between the two countries.

The announcement by Trump of the possibility of a resumption of negotiations with China has prompted major US market indices.

At the close of trading, the flagship reference triad experienced significant gains: the Nasdaq led with a 1.32% gain, while the S & P 500 and the industrial Dow Jones appreciated 1.10%, respectively. % and 1.05%.

Over the weekend, Wall Street futures were in free fall after Trump tweeted after the market closed, which would increase duties on Chinese goods worth $ 250 billion. 25%, compared to 25%. Customs duties on Chinese products of an additional US $ 300 billion will also increase from 10% to 15%. Commodity taxes worth US $ 250 billion are due to start on Oct. 1, while US $ 300 billion will come into effect in two stages, Sept. 1 and Dec. 15.

Latin America and Chile

Things were not as transversal further south. Although Colombia and Mexico managed to get positive accounts of the day, with increases of 0.92% in Colcap and 0.55% in the CPI, the other markets of Latin America closed the day in red.

The worst results were recorded in Argentina, with a drop of 2.77% in the Merval. This market has been particularly volatile in recent weeks, as investors are wary of the October presidential elections.

Brazil also recorded a significant decline of 1.27%, while the S & P BVL index of Peru lost 0.44%.

In the Chilean case, the S & P IPSA lost 0.69% of its value today, ending operations at 4,616.64 points.

Although the losses were relatively transversal – out of the 29 actions constituting the payroll of the selective, only six progressed – the contractions that contributed the most to the decline of the selective were Banco de Chile, 0.99%, Falabella, 1 , 58% and Latam Airlines, 1.32%.

Europe and Asia

Pessimism took hold of the day on the main stock exchanges in the East, with heavy falls. The Tokyo Nikkei fell by 2.7%, which allowed it to lose 20,000 points. Hong Kong Hang Seng fell 1.91% and CSI 300 index of the mainland of China, 1.44%.

The losses also shifted to Europe as early as their first quotes of the day, but with Trump's statements, the situation has changed.

The main indicators of the most important bags of the Old Continent have closed with numbers in green, except in the United Kingdom, where he is on vacation. The CAC 40 in France rose by 0.45%, the Euro Stoxx 50 by 0.44% and the German DAX by 0.40%.


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