Global tension increases against refinery attacks | Chronic


The global tension for oil is increasing. While the United States directly accuses Iran of attacking two refineries located in Saudi Arabia – which has resulted in the price of crude oil internationally – the Iranian government has announced the capture of oil. a fuel-carrying vessel flying the United Arab Emirates flag in the Strait. d & # 39; Hormuz.

The vessel is accused of trafficking 250,000 liters of diesel and was held off the coast of the Persian province of Hormozgan. Its 11 crew members were also arrested in the latest episode of the "tanker war" and in the context of the attack of two refineries in Saudi Arabia.

The immobilization of the ship is the latest in a series of incidents involving cargo ships carrying fuel in the Persian Gulf, after an Iranian tanker was seized in turn in Gibraltar, in Mediterranean, then released. But the tension has reached an extreme point after last Saturday's attack with explosive drones in refineries in Saudi Arabia.

Although the attack was attributed to Houthi militias in Yemen, who are at war with the Saudis, the United States has accused Iran, which supports the rebels, in the same way, either by providing them with projectiles, even by shooting them. The international coalition acting in Yemen is also targeting Iran for the attack.

The spokesman of the international coalition leading Saudi Arabia to Yemen, Turki al malkiHe said on Monday that preliminary investigations into Saturday's attacks on two oil factories in the Saudi kingdom indicate that, despite statements by Houthi rebels, UAVs have not been launched from Yemeni territory.

We call on all nations to publicly and unequivocally condemn the attacks of Iran. The United States will work with its partners and allies to ensure that energy markets remain well supplied and that Iran is held accountable for its aggression.

– Pompeo Secretary (@SecPompeo)
September 14, 2019

"As preliminary information, the attack was not launched from Yemeni territory, the Houthis being opposed to it, these instruments are in the hands of the guardians of the revolution. Iranians to carry out the Iranian agenda ", said the spokesman at a press conference in Riyadh.

On Saturday, the Houthi rebels fighting the government of Abdo Rabu Mansur Hadi, recognized by the international community, said the attack on two Aramco refineries in northwestern Saudi Arabia, which resulted in the suspension of 50% of the world's largest oil production, thus affecting stock markets and crude oil prices

Saturday's attack, for which the United States and the Yemeni government accuse Iran, has reduced the price of Brent, a benchmark in Europe, by 10.5% when it opened yesterday's market. London. Despite the Houthi's badertion, speculations have emerged that these attacks could have been launched since Iraq, when Shiite militias backed by Iran are present, which Baghdad rejected yesterday. .

The Yemeni conflict erupted in late 2014 when the rebels occupied Saná and other provinces of the country and expelled President Hadi, who was exiled to Saudi Arabia. Riyadh and its Arab allies have militarily intervened in the conflict since March 2015 to try to defeat the Houthis, backed by Iran, and restore the exiled leader.

Yemeni rebels warn that they could repeat attacks on Saudi oil companies. This Thursday, Vienna, the US Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry, reinstated the statements against Tehran by declaring itself responsible for a "deliberate attack " to the global economy and the energy market. "This behavior is unacceptable and they must respond. "

Trump warns that we are loaded and ready

The president of the United States, Donald TrumpHe warned that his country is "Loaded and ready" respond to the attack of the refinery in Saudi Arabia, whose fatherhood is "pending verification"Although he thinks he knows who he is "Guilty" that, in the opinion of the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is Iran.

"The oil supply of Saudi Arabia has been attacked. There are reasons to think that we know the culprit, we are loaded and ready, waiting for verification, but we expect the kingdom to know who, in their opinion, would be the cause of this attack and under what conditions we will proceed !", He said Monday night on Twitter.

In his message, he used the term "locked and loaded" and is often used in military contexts to indicate that a weapon is loaded. This is Trump's toughest answer to what happened Saturday in Saudi Arabia, where two refineries of the state-owned oil company Aramco, key to global crude oil supply, have been attacked with ten drones, resulting in a reduction of about 50% of their production. Production and deep global concern.

Trump was surprised not to specify the person responsible for the attacks, because shortly after his conviction, Pompeo directly held Iran responsible by stating that there was no evidence that these people came from Yemen. On the other hand, Trump does not exclude the possibility of a meeting with his Iranian counterpart, Hasan Rohani, appointment that could take place at the end of the month at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.


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