global warming enters finance


In practice, this means paying attention to the legislation of the European Union, which has set itself the objective of reduce net pollutant emissions by 55% by 2030, with the aim of limiting global warming to well below 2 ° compared to pre-industrial levels, as established in 2015 by the historic Paris agreement.

Además, la entidad financiera más poderosa de Europa anunció que desarrollará nuevos modelos para monitorear las implicaciones del cambio climático, indicadores que cubran los instrumentos financieros verdes y la huella de carbono de las instituciones del mundo económico, así como r su exposacion a los engos conies the climate.

And starting next year, it will develop a detailed plan to demand information related to climate change when choosing its asset purchases.

The initiative is essential because it could generate a rebound effect, get other central banks to show a similar commitment to climate ambitions.

Early warnings to avoid disasters

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Early warning systems can prevent death and property damage.

Early warning systems can prevent death and property damage.

Could be saved 23,000 lives and avoid damage of at least u $ s160,000 million per year if weather forecasting services and early warning systems were improved.

In its first report measuring the deficiencies of hydrometeorological services, The United Nations noted that the reduction of polluting gas emissions remains crucial to avoid the causes of global warming, but encouraged the improvement of warning services so that in the future, the population may be more resilient to the consequences of unavoidable weather events.

The UN has noted that only 40% of countries have effective warning systems and that the basic observational data on which these services depend is severely lacking, especially in least developed countries or small island states. development.

The data

Climate change has made the hellish heat wave that has hit North America in recent weeks 15 times more likely, causing record high temperatures and dozens of deaths.

Climate change has made North America’s heat wave from hell in recent weeks 15 times more likely, causing record high temperatures and dozens of deaths.

Climate change has made North America’s heat wave hell in recent weeks 15 times more likely, causing record high temperatures and dozens of deaths.

Amazon deforestation, uncontrolled


Illegal logging is wreaking havoc in the Amazon rainforest.

Illegal logging is wreaking havoc in the Amazon rainforest.


Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest increased in June for the fourth consecutive month.

According to preliminary data, deforestation increased by 1.8% compared to the previous year, reaching 1,062 km2. In the first six months of the year, it increased by 17%.

Deforestation has increased since the president Jair Bolsonaro took office in 2019, sparking national and international protests. According to environmental activists and scientists, the government encourages mining and agriculture in protected areas, and its policies have weakened law enforcement agencies.

Protecting the Amazon is vital to tackling climate change because of the large amount of greenhouse gases it absorbs.

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