Gold mask, new family and millionaire investments: this is the life of the most wanted drug trafficker in the country – 28/02/2019


Accused of being one of the most important cocaine traffickers in the NOA, the jujoño José Miguel Farfán (58) has been living since mid-February in Güemes Prison in Salta.

The shares incarceration with the former federal judge of Oran Raúl Reynoso, prosecuted and in the course of trial, accused of collecting bribes to favor drug traffickers. Among them Farfán.

José Miguel Farfán traveled through Bolivia with fake identities and sent drugs to Argentina on board small planes.

José Miguel Farfán traveled through Bolivia with fake identities and sent drugs to Argentina on board small planes.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

The two men knew a better time. Reynoso, whose case will be judged at the end of March, was considered for years as a champion in the fight against drug trafficking.

Farfan, always with the money of drugs in hand, managed to buy freedom for years and become a luxurious double life, with a new family included, in Bolivia.

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In Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Farfán is presented as an entrepreneur and a farmer while Argentinian justice "sought" and that the Ministry of Security offered half a million pesos to anyone who helped to capture him.

Until his arrest, on February 13, he was a millionaire. He lived in a mansion and drove a yellow Hummer.

According to the data, the narco José Miguel Farfán came to offer half a million pesos of reward.

According to the data, the narco José Miguel Farfán came to offer half a million pesos of reward.

Farfar from the rigors of drug trafficking at the border, Farfán had invested two million dollars in a condominium and planned to build another one.

He was married with a woman much younger than him and had a baby. Since his stay in Argentina, he has maintained a family with larger children.

He had even become a rascal. After his arrest, he was found a series of selfies in which we see him spend in luxury in a spa with a clay facial mask and a golden facial mask. Certainly, he also sought to modify certain characteristics of his image.

While the authorities badyze the drug trafficker's badets in search of a future cause of money laundering, Farfán was tried by a court of the Federal Court of Justice in Salta for the trafficking of 411 615 kilos of cocaine in small planes .

Narco José Miguel Farfan (58), arrested in Bolivia two weeks ago. He was a fugitive since 2015 (he escaped during a full oral trial).

Narco José Miguel Farfan (58), arrested in Bolivia two weeks ago. He was a fugitive since 2015 (he escaped during a full oral trial).

Also on the charge is to have coimbrazed the federal judge of Salta José Antonio "Toto" Torino. In fact, during the Torino trial in 2016, he was among the accused. But he escaped and, although it sounds incredible, this charge would be time-barred now that it had been recaptured.

The record

In 2004, the federal judge of Salta issued the first arrest warrant against Farfán after he did not appear in the prison from where he was performing transitional departures. At that time, he was serving a five-year sentence in a drug trafficking case.

Farfán fell again on May 16, 2008. He was arrested by the airport security police in Tucumán. However, in a very irregular decision, He was released in 2010.

Farfan had invested two million dollars in a condominium in Bolivia and had planned others.

Farfan had invested two million dollars in a condominium in Bolivia and had planned others.

The liberty was given by Judge Torino, who was later found guilty of carrying a bribe to a drug dealer.

A series of tapping conducted by the Airport Security Police (PSA) revealed that Turin came to ask up to 50 thousand pesos and a car to unlock the order of capture from Farfán who wanted to travel to Spain with a large amount of cocaine.

In September 2013, the gendarmerie seized about 411 kilos of cocaine and the drug introduced into the country in small cards was attributed to the organization headed by Farfán. This case was left to Oran Federal Judge at the time, Raul Reynoso.

At the time of his arrest, Farfán was carrying a false identity. He was with one of his children.

At the time of his arrest, Farfán was carrying a false identity. He was with one of his children.

When Farfán was arrested under control in 2014, the Reynoso court was consulted on the measures to be taken and, from there, his immediate release was ordered.

"Reynoso was coming to my house, I saw a lot of money in my house, in dollars, the same day that Reynoso went to my house. I can say that Farfán left money at his house and that Reynoso came to pick her up the next day. ", said during the trial against the former judge Oran Rosana Rivas Vázquez, wife of the lawyer René Gómez, who was the link between the narcos and the judge.

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It is thanks to the payment of a bribe that in 2016, Farfán arrived at the trial free of charge and that Sola Torino was opened for bribe collection. Farfán went to two hearings, saw how the hand arrived and disappeared before his situation got complicated and that he was sentenced.


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