Gollan announced that on Monday he would start vaccinating …


The Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Daniel Gollan, announced today that next Monday, health workers in intensive care units will begin to be vaccinated with Sputnik V which arrived in the country on Thursday. Therapists must request their request through a provincial registry.

“We have started to vaccinate health workers in intensive care units. You have to register and the system will assign them a shift,” the minister wrote on his official Twitter account.

He assured that the beginning of the vaccination, with the doses received today from Russia, is “excellent news for this Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas”.

Along with this post, the minister shared a leaflet from the health portfolio which explains that health workers to be vaccinated must get an appointment by registering at https://gba.gob.ar/vacunate/.

“First, people under 60 who are in intensive care units will be vaccinated”,
said the Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires.

It was also reported that healthcare workers with pre-existing illnesses would be vaccinated later.


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