Good gesture: Lavagna has accepted the call of Minister Lacunza | Chronic


After this morning and in his speech immediately after his oath, the Minister of Finance Hernán Lacunza, announces the convocation of the rest of the economic referents to the dialogue, candidate for the presidency by federal consensus, Roberto Lavagna, announced through its networks that it would accept the government's invitation to dialogue.

"In accordance with our vocation of dialogue and consensus, we accepted the invitation of the Minister of Finance and Energy #consensofeder ", says the former Minister of the Economy, Roberto Lavagna, on his Twitter account, and continues: "Our technicians are available to provide opinions and proposals for stabilization purpose."

According to our vocation of dialogue and consensus, in #federal consents We accepted the invitation of the Minister of Finance and Energy. Therefore, our technicians are available to provide opinions and proposals for stabilization purpose.

– Roberto Lavagna (@RLavagna)
August 20, 2019

In his first speech as minister, Lacunza had indeed announced the decision of the president to convene the various forces in the running in the upcoming elections, in order to reach an agreement on economic matters given the current crisis. . "As we do not believe in messianic names or omnipotent men, the president has asked me to convene the economic referents of all the spaces that face each other in these elections to agree as State man under certain essential conditions to preserve this stability "Lacunza had announced hours before.

TAND YOU CAN INTEREST: Lavagna suspended her campaign and asked for the food emergency

A few days ago, after the currency crisis unleashed after the primary elections, Lavagna had issued a message, backed by his team and his office, stating that he had abandoned the campaign until the country regains its stability. At the same time, he called for food emergency. In fact, he urged the government to implement "immediately an emergency food and sanitation program so that no one is short of food or medicine. "


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