Goodbye to César Pelli, master of avant-garde architecture and design


The Argentine architect lived in the United States for years. The Petronas Towers of Malaysia were one of his great works

Goodbye to César Pelli, master of avant-garde architecture and design

Caesar Pelli was born in Tucuman and managed to conquer the world with lucidity and lucidity / web

The famous architect Cesar Pelli, creator of the Petronas Towers of Malaysia, among others, died yesterday at the age of 92 years.

He was born in Tucumán on October 12, 1926, studied architecture and graduated from the National University of Tucumán. In 1952, he moved to the United States, where he obtained American citizenship and forged a large part of his career. He lived in New Haven, Connecticut, where he was part of the Pelli-Clarke-Pelli studio. He was also Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Yale University between 1977 and 1984. Among several published works and award-winning projects, he also received the gold medal from the University of Yale. American Institute of Architects (AIA) in recognition of an important work of lasting influence in the theory and practice of architecture. Among the most famous works of those who graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of Tucumán, are the Petronas Twin Towers, in Kuala Lumpur, which from 1998 to the mid 2003, were the highest in the world. In 2006, he received the Life and Work Award, awarded by the Cemex Works Award. In 2012, the Konex Foundation awarded him the Konex Award of Brillante as the most relevant figure of the visual arts in Argentina of the decade. The governor of Tucumán, Juan Manzur, was the first person to express his condolences on Twitter.


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